"Recoil Recovery Aim Compensation"

I’m ashamed that I have no idea what this does lol, I’ve played this game for thousands of hours, and still don’t understand.

The only thing I notice is that it feels better off on widow, and on cree/ashe it makes my aim slower post-shot. If anyone is 100% sure what it does I would much appreciate the info T_T

EDIT: I figured it out! Here it is just in case someone else doesn’t ^^

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tried to understand it, failed. all i know is turn it off.
to me on it feels like shooting with extra input lag.

I think having it on makes your downward inputs nullified after shooting (Doesn’t go against recoil)

Having it off allows you to pull down past the recoil point, feels weird at first.

At least I THINK, the practice range told me so

The guns you’re describing cause your reticule to bounce up slightly after every shot. Aim compensation causes the reticule to return to the position it was after firing without any additional movement on your part.

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It does that with it off too, and for my last reply above yours, I was in the range for like 40 minutes lol, im 100% sure thats what it does.

On/Off BOTH compensate for recoil, having it OFF makes it so you can pull down past the recoil bounce, ON makes it so it STOPS your reticle no matter how hard you pull on it. (AKA, off makes it so your mouse movement is ADDED to the compensation. ON means the recoil compensator ignores your downwards mouse movement until it has reset.)

Only Batpiste’s gun has actual recoil. Everything else is just visual clutter and camera shake that may affect your aim if you turn off that option.


maybe even better:


wait this games has recoil? god i never knew overwatch might actually be proper fps with those kind of mechanics

The recoil exists for sure, but it compensates for itself unlike other shooters. Baptiste’s does it the exact same as ashe, widow, and mcree, but his is a 3 burst instead of one.

Reticle goes up, then goes down after shooting. It’s lazy, but it’s recoil.

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It’s an aid for players new to FPS, if you played previous FPS like half - life you should turn this off on any character with it.

turn it off. it slingshots your crosshair little bit up after every shot, it is barely noticable, but try use widow, sensitivity 1 and shoot scoped in constantly while moving your crosshair down, with same ammount of moving space down from same point and you will see the difference with on/off,

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I actually feel cracked on widow/ashe w/ it off now, now it’s just a matter of getting used to it on cree

On: pull crosshair down doesn’t work until after the recoil comes back to center.

Off: pull crosshair down will make the crosshair go down in addition to the automatic pull down after recoil.