Recognizing direction of moving affect (any of it) on your hero in degree

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I have tried this code (below) but it returns only 180 degree max, so you cannot know if it comes from behind, side or whatever… :frowning:

	Create HUD Text(Event Player, Custom String("{0}", Angle Between Vectors(Local Vector Of(Velocity Of(Event Player), Event Player,
		Rotation), World Vector Of(Forward, Event Player, Rotation))), Null, Null, Right, 0, White, White, White,
		Visible To and String, Default Visibility);

You somehow need to compare either 2 local vectors or 2 world vectors. I don’t know how to tell the system to use the forward relative to the player not to the world, so you might instead just use the world version of the velocity. As directly inputing velocity does not work, you could either try to use “world vector of(local vector of(velocity))”, or another workaround, like “normalize(velocity)”, if this works.