Not entirely sure where to put this, but I’ve just logged on and I’ve got 24 new loot boxes?! The last time I logged in was about 9 hours ago and I didn’t have them. I’ve double checked and I didn’t accidentally buy them and I haven’t lodged anything that would trigger something like this, can anyone tell me what’s happened?
are you sure no one gifted them to you or something?
Did you receive 24 lootboxes right after the Hammond patch? They were bugged, so Blizzard gave you for each bugged lootbox another one. (Maybe you got 3 from Arcade, one form level up, and bought another 20?)
Source: 1.26 Loot Box Duplicates Issue
I also got 6 loot boxes today. I think you’ve opened 24 loot boxes during the bugged loot box issue. They said for each bugged box you get one as a gift.
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