Rebuff junkrat to increase his viability

You nerfed his goats buff (damage) and now he cannot 1 shot 250HP targets. Junkrat has a very low pickrate in OWL, and has NEVER EVER been meta. Please buff him because he is not viable unless on a map like Temple of Anubis. He was one of the most fun characters in the game, but he has too many counters (Pharah, Echo, Hitscans) and it is very difficult to get value without his ultimate.

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Junkrat is fine.


Not only fine, he’s the 4th most used DPS in GM.


Why would we want that again?



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I will send you Roadhog rule 34 if your not careful.


Given the facts, maybe we should actually need Junkrat. How would that make you feel op?

I mean, I’m a Roadhog main, maybe I’d like it.

Ok ill send you Hammond r34 there is a lot of Hammond x Mercy stuff guess she is into that.

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Bro goats was the reason for a ton of unnecessary buffs there are still more of goats buffs that need to be reverted

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Be nice if they reverted the size of his grenades, but outside of that not too much you can change on him.

He’s a victim of map design and less barrier health leaving him as well as other slow targets vulnerable to long/mid-long range heroes.

He can do work at the choke and on attack can open a lane for your offense.

I think he is a solid pick that you have to be ready to switch off if certain heroes are played

But his downsides exist for a reason. When he was meta he output so much damage long range heroes, DM, or Zarya were your only options to stop him from spamming up the whole map.

Junkrat is fine. The best thing that could happen for Junk, and many other heroes, is for maps to be rebalanced. For example Havana simply shouldn’t exist in it’s current form due to how imbalanced it is.

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As if one shotting isn’t already annoying to deal with, not to mention a majority of the heroes have 200 or lower health which Junkrat can 2-shot them already.

Honestly it feels like more than 4th on some days but I am only have anecdotal evidence.

Idk he feels strong enough to me, for someone who can walk up and instant-kill squishies twice in a row with his nade+mine combo

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Junkrat has been more than fine for quite some time now.

Just the fact that he can easily one - shot combo 50% of the roster that are 200HP heroes already is problematic.

He would need serious compensation nerfs for him to receive any kind of buff and needless to say this is pretty redundant until the main design problems with his kit, such as the low skill - high reward spammy play style his kit encourages is finally fixed.

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Hard pass

I certainly wouldn’t mind 130 nades back, gives some punches back to his nades and 2 shotting turrets.

Though the best buff would be making his mine have consistent falloff damage of 1m/120, 2m/80, 3m/40.

Having his hp raised to 225 or 250 is also good.

Junkrat’s fine though. My only gripe is that many other characters have strong boops that drastically lower their air strafe. Meanwhile, remote mine has next to no penalty to their movement when booped

Junkrat is fine. The best thing that could happen for Junk, and many other heroes, is for maps to be rebalanced. For example Havana simply shouldn’t exist in it’s current form due to how imbalanced it is.

This though would also be very nice on its own. Havana especially due to the amount of open sightlines it has. No map should allow snipers that much free real estate with little effort