Reasons Dragonstrike+grav are so strong now

Love it or hate it, mass rez kept ult spam and other poor play in check.

This thread reminds me of the panicked threads that kept popping up after Mercy 2.0 was first announced, declaring that ult spam would become the meta since it would have no counters once Mass Rez got deleted.

It took nearly a year, but those fears have finally come true. I wonder what the devs will do about it?

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Ult spam already can be kept in check by the enemy team. If your team spams all their ults and the enemy team saved some of theirs it would be an easy fight for them.

This all depends on the context and what ults we are talking about here.

Yes, an enemy team can spam a bunch of ults and lose the game due to poor ult economy. However, they can win just as easily if both teams are following the same meta. Which is currently happening.

Most players now ult spam because there is very little (in comparison to previous meta’s) punishment or counter to play to this kind of play right now.

It feels like whoever gets the most people in their grav’s wins the match at the moment.

Mercy’s mass rez was one of many options to make doing this not a good idea. In fact because of how Rez is now many ults that USE to counter rez or rob it of value are now entirely useless.

McCree’s ult was amazing at getting a couple value picks and staggering kills so that mass rez was not worth choosing for example. Same with hogwild and other low frag ults.

I feel like it shouldn’t be as easy as using an ult to counter an enemy’s ult spam. It’s up to the team to get together and be prepared to punish the enemy for spam. Plus transcendence can punish plenty of ult spam. Even Mercy’s Valkyrie is effective at doing this. I get that it took game sense to know when to rez in the past, but it will take more to understand when to use valk or trans.

Except even when they buffed it nothing really happened. The only thing that has happened to make Grav “OP” is Hanzo.

And when movement abilities escaped Grav it was stupid. If you get a 4man Grav you deserve one, not a fkn zero man grav

I am not certain what to make of your post to be honest.

From what I’ve gathered you believe it should require higher coordination to counter a bunch of hero’s pressing Q and that a bunch of hero’s pressing Q should be the favored to win?


Which is why in my main post I mentioned quite a few changes that were not directly ult related but did provide counter play to Grav+ dragonstrike before those changes were placed.

In addition Mass Rez was not easy to pull off until Mercy received some overbuffs to Mass Rez itself. Those buff’s lead to hide and rez which I understand were not fun. However, Hide n Rez could have been addressed very easily and still been left as a counter to ult spam.

BS… Shatter is so buggy and does not catch everyone. That PoS ultimate can be interrupted by a fart. It misses even with a group of people in front of it. Please do not try to compare Grav to Shatter.

it got some bugs but rarely happens

most shatters will catch you so no idea what you’re on about

Yeah grav is extremely powerful, especially against any deathball style composition. Hands down the best ult in the game. Really I have no idea why they buffed it to prevent people from using mobility abilities to escape. I mean direct motion like winstons leap or DVa’s booster I can understand, but Tracer/Sombra should be able to teleport out of it.

I dodge earthshatter with transcendence to save my teammates erryday_emphasized text_

No it is not rare at all. Ever since the vertical hit box was nerfed they killed Shatters reliability. A pebble, stair, abilities misses, goes into the wrong direction, lost ability to a non-disrupting ability, and the list goes on. That is what I am talking about and most people with time in Reinhardt know this.

Grav+anything has always been the most devastating combos in the game. Idk why it’s suddenly a problem.

Yes, Hanzo is extremely overtuned, but saying Grav+DS is suddenly super strong is a lie.

Constantly doing stuff? Meaning the only way to get a Graviton in the same time it takes for say Rip-Tire. Boop 4 people off the side, with 40% charge. Normal games. It takes 1 min 20-25 seconds on a decent charging Zarya. Even horrible teams feeding Zarya. You can only get 4 ults off, in a full QP game. At full overtime of CP’s. Unless your goal is to just waste ults. Than five is possible. But you still have to hold 45-60+ average charge for nearly the whole game.

This is an example of the enemy just endlessly feeding me. And I still only used 2 ults in the point A fight.

You think it’s fair to have the only offensive ult, that takes the longest time, one of the hardest situational awareness requirements in the game, that pretty much requires proper follow up. For most of the roster to escape? Hanzo is the one that made it common.