Reasonable Symmetra buffs that would be balanced

I think that a lot of people can agree, sym isn’t very good. She’s better sure, but better doesn’t mean good or not f tier. She’s still pretty bad, but We have to be reasonable with how we buff her.

Her tickrate on her primary used to be the same as zaryas ( 5.5) but got nerfed to hell and back because it created a bug, so it’s tickrate Rn is 20. I get that they needed the big fine but doesn’t twenty seem like overkill. Can’t we do like, 10 or something?

Also let her gun charge time be one second because I think this would reward good aim. If you felt confident in your aim as a sym player you could charge your beam off of say a mcree reliably where as rn it isn’t worth it. Good sym mains would be able to find More opportunities to charge the beam if they could aim because the charge time would allow it to be used on more then barrier

Make the dps 70 140 210 just so that it isn’t super bad before charged. If a genji deflects it honestly isn’t even worth using the primary just charge an orb, but if your primary in its first stage would do a bit More ( like with the buffs I suggest) it may be a valid option

Give her 125 shields and 125 hp making her total hp 250. This is just so she won’t be as vulnerable. Rn she is basically as vulnerable as zenyatta, which makes her more of a liability. Heroes who aren’t meant to assasinate the supports are actually also able to assassinate symmetra just as effectively, which is bad for someone who is trying to do damage, especially when the damage dealers are also expected to peel for the supports. It’s hard to peel when you need peel. This hp buff would really help her in this area

Make her tp deploy in one second instead of two. Rn the tp is only 0.5 seconds faster then reaper teleport. It makes it very hard to tp a team out of a grav, and because it takes so long it isn’t a valid escape option. It just doesn’t work as an escape because it is both slow and telegraphed

With all of these changes she would be balance imo


not sure why she has to deal 60 dps the first 2 seconds.
anyone with a brain will start shooting her, and leave her under critical hp before she reaches 180… let alone that healer mains hate to heal symmetra.
look at any high rank sym gameplay, they hate to heal her.
i saw someone do a 4 man kill as sym, and she was at critical hp.
the healer was next to her, but they decided to ignore her.
really makes you think that healer mains just use symmetra players for their arguments with people they dont like.


I think it would be easier to code if they left the tickrate alone, but decreased the damage reduction from armor.

The tickrate affects Morethen just armour though which is the issue. It makes it require a lot more aim to charge up to the point where rn you need Acura year higher then 60 percent which is pro zarya level

That’s basically passing widowmaker in difficulty

Well, they could just reduce the charge time to get from level 1 to 2 from 2 seconds to 1 second.

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Firstly they should fit shy for all levels, second of all even if you did that you would still need that level of aim, you just wouldn’t have to maintain it for as long

Yes. Yes. YES.

60 dps at any point is absurd for a DPS character. It’s a crappy byproduct of her old gun. No reason it should start at less than 80 at a bare minimum.

Also 100% notice that healers will tend to ignore me as if they have some subconscious thought that I’m some sort of griefer. Can’t tell you how many fights have been lost because the healer doesn’t seem to care that I exist.

Said another way though, it makes it half as difficult to charge it up.

And it gets you to a solid 120 damage quickly.

Genji can’t deflect her beam anyway. I’m confused what you mean here.

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it kinda bothers me too how the devs said once “you can do a beam+orb” combo
when it takes even more than 1 full second to deal the rest of 80 dps

Maybe they should make it so Orb damage charges up your Primary?

Would be a lot easier to charge up at range, so you can be safe before you start jumping into beam range.

The beam can go through the deflect, but honestly it’s better to take that time and charge an orb then get off some minescule damage

I’m always scared it will deflect back if I don’t time it perfect. Doesn’t he get two seconds deflect?

I don’t know the time but we can hold our orb in for a bit. The timing isn’t super hard

I hate that Shimada bugger. 2.0 would have fried him.

He is mean, but I think that there is big potential for 3.0 to be balanced

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Me too. Just need a sympathetic PTR update.

I can’t see a reason not to add these changes tbh

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we’re going to be left hanging like old Christmas lights

Not if we keep fighting