Reaper's shadow step is useless!

Or look at it this way: Symmetra can teleport Reaper, and then Reaper can use his shadow step to teleport a second time.

Yeah I really want that ability. It perfectly fits him. One day maybe :slight_smile:

I have never needed shadow step second time after I used it.

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[wind noise]
[loudly appears in the comment section]


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Couldnā€™t agree more, a reaper porting in is legitimately the easiest target in the game, only Doomfist after his ult comes close.

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My favorite;


Hello dude dont mind me I am just teleporting here.

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Without exaggeration. Spirit uses wraith 12x more than shadowstep

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I would make it similar to doomfist ult (but without damagr)

Bt this way, he would need LOS of his destination. Moreover, he could choose his destination safely, while invulnerable.

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Did you see his user name? Heā€™s a Reaper main alright

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Also my profile is open to public. Anyone can look and see I am a Reaper main.

Actually its a good idea.

I do think Reaperā€™s shadow step could definitely use a buff. Either make it faster or give us the ability to cancel it.

That said, itā€™s far from useless. While a lot of its use is very situational and map/point specific, shadow step absolutely does have its uses. He can use it to reach high ground that he wouldnā€™t otherwise be able to reach. The platforms around the pillars at Anubis B or the chandeliers at the end of Eichenwalde, for instance.

You can also be a little creative with it when you realize that you donā€™t always have to teleport to cover. On Hollywood A defense, Iā€™ll often teleport from the balcony that overlooks the choke to the area behind where the enemy team will be trying to push through the choke. If the enemy turned right instead of turning left to go through the choke, theyā€™d see me, but that almost never happens, so I get to pick off healers and then wraith back through the choke to do it again.

Another example of this is on Hanamura A defense. From the high ground, you can teleport through the window to this little protrusion sticking out from a building, allowing you to drop down and come up behind the enemy team as theyā€™re trying to push the choke. Pick off a squishy or two, then wraith back through the choke to the defending side and do it all over again.

He should at least be able to fly up to some high-ground when heā€™s in shadowstep.

Nevermind, I think Iā€™m confusing his abilities.

The point of post is to point out now everyone thanks to the new Symmetra have shadow step. This is why I am asking for a buff or rework.

Fair enough. As I said, I do believe Reaperā€™s shadow step does need buffed. The best way to do this would be to either speed it up or give him the ability to cancel it.

I actually kind of like the idea of being able to cancel it rather than speeding it up, by the way. Being able to cancel it obviously means that if you see someone come around a corner during the animation, you can actually react and cancel it so you remain safe. It also gives him the ability to play mind games and bait with it. Someone sees a teleporting Reaper and begins to set up to kill him where he is teleporting to, only to have him cancel it last second, and suddenly Reaper is safe while the person who was setting up to kill him is now out of position.

I always thought his Wraith form should let him climb walls or he could teleport during wraith (the latter might be op)

Itā€™s useless if any enemy is within 1 mile of you when you use it.

Heā€™s too sluggish from gorging on food

(Real voiceline)

everyone can see every ones sr on their profile, that part cant be hidden, also yes, shadow step needs a biggie rework or something, its really slow and loud, maybe if they kept the noise but made him invisible during it, or let him place it similarly to meteor strike.