Reaper's long-range perk isn't worth it

It costs two ammo, still uses pellets, barely does anything to squishies, and has way too long of a lockout duration.

So going one by one, the ammo cost is probably the least problematic thing about this ability. The issue comes in when it costs two ammo and then has all of those other negatives stacked on top of it.

If I can do the same amount of damage by just firing two shots and then have an additional shot because of the lockout, why would I ever chose to shoot both?

Next on the list, it still uses pellets. This means you are still at the mercy of RNG for the spread to line up where you need it to on your target.

I’d much rather have to hit a harder shot with a tighter spread than hit an easy shot with a massive spread that makes me miss half of my damage, regardless of aim quality.

After that there’s the fact that the spread being so wide makes it practically useless against squishies unless your closer than 10-15m. Seeing as it’s supposed to be a mid-range ability, it’s kind of dumb that it starts to work from within it’s counterpart’s range and just barely outside of said range.

And last, but most important of them all, the lockout. Using the right click puts you in a state where you are locked out of using not just the ability itself, but your primary fire as well. Why do this?

It’s so long too that it’s almost as long as haven taken 3 shots with your primary fire. If it’s going to have a three second cooldown, don’t stall me out on being able to do literally anything else just because I used it. At most it should be in time with using your primary fire, so 0.5 seconds before I can shoot my primary again.

It messes with my tempo so much and I’m forced to stall for so long just to keep myself alive until I can shoot again. It’s almost not worth using it a majority of the time because of these design choices.


The long range perk is extremely useful. I can only count a few times where a smidge more lifesteal coming out of wraith is handy outside a stall situation where the enemy has NO stuns or escapes and are coupled together with no awareness of the reaper.

the long range shot is excellent at finishing squishies or bursting down those with movement abilities that get out of your range (tracer, ashe, lucio, mcree roll, etc). Also this is my 1500th post XD


I’ll have to play with it more but I think it’s probably one of the better designed perk sets because there are situations where you could be swayed to pick either one. The long range one is more suited for if your targets are good at getting out of your range like an Echo or something.

I will agree that the lockout feels really strange and unintuitive, but it may just be a case of getting used to it. It’s not even been a day after all.

The lockout is because you’re shooting both guns, so you get the downtime of two shots basically

Also you’re shooting both guns with a vastly more accurate shot, you can just delete people with a good headshot up close lol, the lockout is warranted


oh you fool… the long rnage perk is good… at close range. Extremely good at oneshotting people

I realize now that I may have worded it in a way that makes it seem like the other perks are better.

I still think it’s the best perk that he has, but it is a lot worse than what I was expecting it to be (even factoring how much the devs hate giving Reaper anything useful). I think that the addition of the right-click, as it is now, is not sufficient enough to solve his core issues, even if all the other characters didn’t get any perks at all and it was just Reaper getting the right click.

His perks need some serious upgrades.

Congrats :partying_face:

Can’t say I agree. I’ve only ever found soul orbs and the right click to be at all useful.

Teleport perk:

  • Teleport range increase doesn’t do much when the teleport mechanic is too janky to use.
  • I can’t think of a single situation where I would be in a position without ammo, while also deciding I need to teleport somewhere (outside of juke teleports, but those are difficult to pull off against smart players, so it’s practically useless). You always reload before teleporting anyways because it’s like a pseudo prep-phase for flanking.

Soul Orb perk:

  • It’s nice, but going out of your way whilst in combat/LoS of enemies is extremely counterintuitive.
  • It’s also the 10,000th time they’ve used this mechanic and shows they couldn’t even be bothered to make a new one.

Lifesteal +40%:

  • Worthless. Like genuinely the dumbest perk I’ve ever seen. You have to waste Wraith to use it and Reaper’s lifesteal is already one of the most incohesive designs that exists in Overwatch.
  • tl;dr: Shotguns paired with lifesteal on a character who does less damage than they have health will not work well until the lifesteal they get is equal to at least 2/3rds of their health.

I don’t think so, for me at least. There was rarely ever a situation where the lockout wouldn’t have impacted my future actions after using it when I played today.

Since you have to play within around 15m for it to do sizable damage, I was always stuck in a position where it was stalling me out. The best time to use it is when the kill is practically confirmed with the right click (so when the enemy is about 75 HP or less) and you have cover to stop other enemies from approaching you during the lockout.

I’m pretty sure you can’t do more than 175 with it up close (most I’ve seen is 100 from testing it in the practice range at point blank on Tracer). 175 was the most I got from it by shooting a training bot in the head from about 10m away.

Unfortunately, the wiki does not have the precise numbers for the perks atm and I don’t feel like going through the hassle of opening the game rn. I will double check later for the exact number.

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I’ve found this perk incredibly useful, personally. Reaper was already good, and this elevates him even further.

Pretty sure they held themselves back from actually giving a “general” buff to Reaper’s range. I will have to spend more time using it but seems that if you are playing Reaper the intended way, you will get little to no benefit from this.

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It straight up one shots the training robots, who do have 250 health now

Also 70% lifesteal isn’t bad. It’s actually far from bad! You’re insane! Why do you have to waste wraith form to benefit from it?? If you do use wraith form and come out with the lifesteal and end up killing your target because they couldn’t kill you, is that really a waste??

And again, it applies to death blossom! That’s a lot of healing!

Also testing the damage on the long range shot more closely, it doesn’t do the damage of two shots. It definitely does more than one shot and can one shot 250 hp targets, but it will lower your dps up close because it does like 250 or so at max.

So it’s good for some ranged damage and is very good for finishing off a target. Bonus points for being able to one shot.

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Because it only applies after you exit Wraith form.

That is the optimal outcome, but that outcome is not guaranteed, nor is the most common outcome (the most common being a draw where they out-sustain your damage and you Wraith out). Most of the time, people will wait until you’ve used Wraith form to CC you, in which case your lifesteal will have been timed out and you’d be stuck without a reliable tool to save yourself.

That’s why using it pre-Death Blossom is almost guaranteed to get your ult wasted. It’s basically one of the most well known memes of Overwatch for bad Reaper players to Wraith in to Death Blossom.

Good to know. I still don’t know if I’d risk using that for an up-close one tap due to the difficulty of landing that type of shot on a squishy, but still good information to keep in the back pocket.

If you use wraith form for whatever reason you were needing to use it and are near your team, that’s just an easy way to have a better hold on the frontline because Reaper will be very tanky for the next few seconds.

It’s especially so if you’re fighting a tank since that’s where you’ll do the most damage. But any larger bodied damage or support can give you plenty of health back when you’re getting 70%. It’s the kind of perk who’s only lack of use will be against typical dive comps since the targets are generally smaller and harder to hit. Fighting any Bastions, Junkrats, Ventures, etc where they’re relatively easy to shoot and that’s plenty of health gain, especially if you also took the soul orb perk and kill them.

As for the wraith into death blossom, yes it’s a meme because it’s easy to see coming, but that doesn’t mean it never works. King of the hill and flashpoint are great examples of maps where you can be coming out of wraith into a blossom without the greatest risk compared to other modes.

And yeah, I wouldn’t be looking for one shots on the range shot. The accuracy of it plus the higher damage makes it quite good for finishing weakned targets, whether they’re close or not.

Huh!? As a long time Reaper 1 trick, let me jjst say that dire triggers is absolutely a godsend. It allows me to finally finish off Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Sombra, Mercy and Pharah. If you’re fighting in close range against high health tanks or Torb/Bastion, you’ll want to use the wraith perk.

Not against high damage characters like Junkrat. I’m fairly certain he can out-damage yourself sustain with one shot. With that being the case, even ordinary non-high-damage characters now have perks that boost their damage up enough to negate the effects of lifesteal, even at 70%. That or they have some form of ultra-cc that stops you from getting any value out of it.

As for when you’re fighting against tanks, they still have the headshot reduction and armor reduction passives which not only guts your damage, but indirectly guts your lifesteal as well.

Even Roadhog can very easily shut-out a Reaper just by shooting once, hooking, and then instantly killing them with the shot after pulling them in. Now that Roadhog has the chain reload perk, there is literally no downtime in which you can gain the upper hand in the fight.

I guess if you mean in the sense of preventing someone from touching point for OT, but even then, it really isn’t necessary because they can’t pass through DB due to it’s damage output, regardless of whether or not the Reaper has bonus lifesteal. Getting out of DB is relatively easy, but to walk through it is just suicide.

Other than that, I don’t really see how KoTH is any different from payload/push/etc… It’s equally as likely for you to be seen/heard going in with Wraith form, regardless of game mode.

It’s decent, but it’s no where near double nano/full blink reset/infinite ammo per 2 scoped shots. Having a decent-level perk be the best perk that you can get for Reaper is quite disappointing.

I feel like the right click was going to be a part of his “rework” they teased back in S7/8 but ended up shifting it to a perk. The teleport change is the better minor perk from what I’ve seen BUT you must have team coordination to use it (for the distance not the reload). If you’re in any kind of solo play or uncoordinated teams, you’re kinda locked into the soul orb option for the potenial of a slight heal. The wraith form follows the same logic. It CAN be very powerful, esp on defensive plays but you are at the mercy of your team to coordinate with your pushes

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I feel like this is the common sense solution that should’ve been the only rework he needed to his base kit, but they talked about the rework being mobility focused, specifically for his shadow step. They also said that they have the mobility rework finished, but they didn’t want to “waste it on Reaper,” which is crazy imo.

I don’t go for this one ever simply because of how jank Shadow Step already is. That and the distance increase is like barely 4-5m more.

Plus, I use the juke technique a lot, so half the time I don’t even need the additional distance.

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