Reaper's core design is deeply flawed

I find it fun to think of ideas for character buffs/nerfs.

For Reaper, I personally would first focus on adjusting his current kit rather than adding something new.

  • Increase Hellfire Shotgun pellet damage to 7 per pellet consistently.
  • Give him the ability to eat souls again. Could also keep his current health siphoning so he survives even longer, since he’s only effective in one extremely dangerous range.
  • Give Shadow Step a brief moment of invulnerability after exiting it, so he can at least have a window to react if he knows Widow is aiming directly at his head during his teleport. Doesn’t have to be long or anything. Something as short as fractions of a second would work. Just long enough to queue up a shot or pop Wraith immediately upon exiting.

Shadow step is bad weak to range terrible against armor also too vulnerable while ulting

let’s not forget that how his ult is easy to shut down and you are lucky if you get even 2 kills with it. Specially when with Brigette up, Reaper becomes useless in close range.

I think the smoke grenade was in reaper early development stages, because it fits with her kit well: reaper could use it to engamge or disengage woth wraith form or shadow step.
Maybe developers found it too annoying to play against (specially when combined with death blossom) and erased it.

But i would add it if smoke had short duration

hes trash at all of his jobs

I rebuilt Reaper, I think this solves his problems.

I love reaper, my favorite character in the game no doubt…

but yeah… lately he feels so watered down compared to other toons.

U wanna kill tanks? play hanzo… u can literally shoot your ultimate thru a walll… lol… meanwhile reaper has to be within 5 feet where he will most likely be stunned or hooked or headshot etc.

IDK… reaper is cool and i feel like up close he can do good damage with good aim, but other heroes can do great damage at long range and up close… its almost like… “why play reaper when this hero is 4 times stronger”

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Increase pellet damage to range from 3 to 10 (10 at close range) and decrease number of pellets by 33% (from 20 to 15). This way it will sustain Reaper’s overall damage, while making sure that in close range he won’t be effected strongly by armour.

But that being said, tanks really don’t need any more trouble than they already have. They need to either nerf overall damage throughput in the game, or increase tank’s ability to withstand punishments. Right now, tanks and shields are dropping WAY too fast. Making Reaper a tank buster will just make life miserable for tanks. So along with Reaper buff, tanks need to become more tanky, per example making it so shields take 50% less damage from explosives. Meaning that tank busters that can get behind the tanks, will become more valuable.

I’ve never had a problem tank busting with him. There are no tanks he can’t kill in one clip (unless some of it is blocked with defensive abilities). He has the means to chase down any of them and he can insta-reload now by activating and immediately canceling wraith. This is on top of the regen he’s getting while shredding. Also, if you have a Zen to pair with, Reaper can eat through discorded tanks faster than anything except Bastion (maybe storm arrows, but the incoming nerf should help a bit with that).

I’ll say that he’s having a rough time in this meta, but I think that has more to do with Hanzo being way overtuned right now and Brigitte being able to nullify his ult. He’ll be alright once things change up. He’ll be a good Wrecking Ball counter.

its easy to kill or avoid him as any tanks lmao especially hog and dva lol after plat most tanks realize how to actually fight him heck a rein can just firestrike him once and swing his hammer its legit not hard to kill him as a tank hes trash against armor and theirs better tankbusters at close and far away range only bad players die to a reaper

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He’s best when he doesn’t make himself the main focus of the enemy team. Reaper has to be played opportunistically. I play in high masters/GM, so I can promise that it can be done effectively above plat.

idk how reaper works on console but hes complete trash on pc and stats say hes signifigantly better on console

Console players do tend to be better at positioning because aiming is harder for us. I think that’s why we’re able to make better use of him. I don’t think there’d be any reason for him to be any worse at tank busting on PC, though. It’d be harder for him to deal with hitscans and aim-intensive heroes, but that should be the only difference.

its like you said in the last sentence their so much better at aiming that he just gets destroyed and honestly the stats are way betttttttter on console then pc

I’ve been saying forever now, Reaper needs a rework not a buff. Just like Bastion needs to be reworked not buffed.

Right, but the post was about it being too difficult to kill tanks. All the examples given were related to armor and tank survivability. That’s something that’s the same on all platforms.

ok well for one idk why the tank players on console are so bad their constantly dying to a reaper

My thing is that he’s the tank buster, and other DPS are just better at doing that (Junkrat, HANZO, even a really good Widow to some extent, even a Hog can be better than Reaper). The Tank buster should not be getting outclassed by spam DPS, Snipers and Off Tanks when it comes to lethality.



Wait… isn’t like 50%+ of the playerbase in gold and below??? hmmmmmmm

No wonder you can’t win a game with oone ultimate in plat and above (though as bronze I don’t know much). But at that skill, many ultimates become less game-changing as ppl know to expect and avoid them.

I am only bronze, but hear me out.
So your argument is, that Reaper is not that great against tanks, right?
And then you suggest he is “designed” to be a tank killer. Maybe… he isn’t? Maybe he is more of a flanker who goes in to kill the squishy support and DPS and get out?

Also, taking down a tank is a team effort. That is why they are a tank, they have too much health to be taken out by a single shot. (okey there is Widow, but good Widow players are rare, it is high skill high reward).

And why should his ultimate take down tanks? Tracer also got nerfed so she can’t single ult most tanks (or all?). But you know what he is good at with his ult? Taking out a bunch of Mercies, Anas, Zens, Soldiers etc. Yeah I am sure it is harder in plat and above to pull of, but then again so would be all the other ults.

But I agree that Reaper just feels a bit forgotten by the devs. I know he used to have these orbs or whatever to collect but that was dropped out pretty early and self heal became automatic and he wasn’t touched much since. Maybe because he is considered well balanced. But at least his shadow step is now really out-dated. With Sombra and especially new Symmetra, it doesn’t add much. Wraith form was buffed a bit and it is still good to get out of a lot of sticky situation, one of the few things to get you put of a grav. (then again, Symmetra)
Aaaand, he used to be good against Symm, but now he literally can’t destroy the turrets which kinda sucks.

Anyway, I wouldn’t mind if they re-wamped, buffed him a little, but I don’t think there is too much an issue with him.