Reaper vs Genji mains on nerfs

My issue isn’t with Hack or even CCs in general really.

I think a game like this needs CC applied well (Read: designed into the game well).

My issue is they attempted to initially make her a dps-support hybrid when she really did belong as a Support hero.

IMOP that’s part of the issue is dps heroes should have the least access to CC .
A few CC abilities here and here sure. But supports and tanks should be the ones built around the use of and protection against CC.

So bra being a support that uses hacked health packs to heal, Hack on key enemies, stealth and her passive to scout and relay information to her team only needed one further change:

  • Hack can be used on team mates to cleans stuns and enemy hacks.

For some reason Genji has a vocal fanbase which appears to be having more delusional people than other heroes.

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reaper is my fav hero, i really love his playstyle… but i find myself swapping to mcree in almost half my games because mcree can kill people from 100 yards away while reaper has to basically be in melee range to land kills, combine that with his large hitbox and small HP pool reaper can be very hard to play against decent teams.


There are a good amount of them here but i can only think of Nox

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I understand your point but i dont think that he has “small hp pool” with 250 hp

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Tracer is being played because the Brig Nerf didn’t hit OWL. Therefore, she’s OP’d by the Armor. Genji’s in OWL were running around with up to 350 HP+Armor at times. Tracers, up to 300 (IIRC). That seriously ramps up the power level of those characters, which were never balanced around 300-350 HP+Armor pools.

Mei/Reaper was hated by people because of the Orissa Bunker they [often] played around, which people generally don’t like playing, playing against, or watching. She also made tanking cancerous, due to her systainability and ability to split teams - not to mention her Ult (which skilled players can charge relatively quickly, as they know how to aim her right click quite well).

Genji is OP now, esp. in the OWL, but I want to see what his power level is like when those Brig Armor nerfs hit the league.

Personally, I think it was some really bad planning to launch that Genji buff without the Armor Nerfs to balance it out - especially for a professional eSport. It made the results seem… unfair, simply to generate nice highlight reels for marketing purposes (however the actual matches were hard to watch, since it was basically a Genji hard carry-fest… and he’s so disgustingly (and blatantly) OP).

It basically told every team without a great Genji Player that they were going to lose by default, even to the Washington Justice, for no reason other than the fact that their Genji player was better.

I also don’t understand how you increase damage from a hero but forget to adjust the ult charge rate, unless boosting the ult charge rate was also an intentional change in that patch.

It’s like they have the interns doing the balance work for this game.

Question is… Why are you a reaper main.

And ironically you can have worse aim and do more damage with Genjis fan. Literally go test this in the shooting range people. Its crazy.

maybe im going crazy or i watch too much OWL…

bastion was meta last in double shield (owl finals / double shield pirate ship)

torb defensively meta now…

pharah was meta during goats era (anti goats comp)

sombra was meta during goats… tbh she was a must pick at times (sombra goats)

mei reaper was literaly meta at the end of 2019 and beginning this year… (double shield brawl meta) like literaly 2-2-2 was in those 2 took over…

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Then they nerfed them out of existence. Genji being in a similar position should also be nerfed if we follow this logic.

Only difference though is that Reaper and Mei are apparently “low skill” and Genji requires at least 250 IQ to play.

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Reaper is just simply unpopular.

That’s why I want the devs to focus on a different direction for Reaper.
Better DPS option less of a tankbuster.
(He even sucks at that)

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sigma is smaller and has double the hp

you know this post is true when a korean types it


Ngl, I’m more afraid of a Korean guy on the enemy team rather then a top500 player