Reaper: Still useless at high rank, still dominates low ranks

because they fit in the direction the game play has been headed for the last 3 years. Reaper is build to do one thing and it’s put in close up DPS work on the hero roster we had at launch.

that game play style is long dead due to CC and other balance changes. Just look at the support heroes and all the changes vs launch when it comes in close DPS counters.
Brig = new hero - stun reaper in close
Mercy = faster GA for more mobility and nearly impossible for Reaper to catch/kill
Lucio = easier wall ride and now even better boops. So less Reaper in close ability
Moira = new hero - can just fade away from in close DPS
Ana = new hero - CC sleep and anti-heals ruin most of Reaper’s kit
Baptiste = new - immortality field ruins in close DPS
It’s really just poor Zen that Reaper can still go “Ah ha!! You’re still like launch!!! Got ya!”

the list could go on too. Hanzo got more mobile away from in close DPS, Ashe is new and again, escape mobility. Doomfist and again high CC and mobility. New Wball and hey it’s a theme, huge CC and high mobility
Never mind the CC everywhere now.

I really don’t know why anyone is shocked old school Reaper is nearly worthless vs high SR play. There is almost no way to fix it short of granting him a huge speed boost + mobility + CC resistance.


its a minor rework, a small one thats not too much

no one wants another hero basically deleted and replaced by another like happend with some of the past reworks,

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Some heroes needed to be deleted and rebuilt to be viable. You think old Sym would be played in OWL. There was a reason they completely rebuilt her. Getting used to a new playstyle I’m sure isn’t easy but if it makes them not a trash can then I say it’s worth it.

It’s almost like the community doesn’t know what they are talking about :thinking:

Why would i care if its played in OWL?

OWL is a separate reality from what the game actually is, i dont care about OWL,

OWL is a utopic fantasy of what overwatch is like in reality,


Reworks are expensive and if you look at older reworks you see that the community is not happy about them. Either they “destroy” the so called personality of the hero or they break the game see mercy or hanzo. I do not trust Blizzard in reworks … They put so much time into them for a mediocore result.

Also, the point is that he is very easy to pick up, and still dominates at lower rankings with little to no skill needed.

OWL is the highest level of Overwatch play. OWL is how you should play Overwatch in ranked to the best of your ability.

OWL is an unrecheable level for the mayority of the playerbase, High ranks arent, though,

You get to high ranks with practice, with skill and dedication, You get to OWL with luck, you pray that a team picks you up and leaves you in, you also have to essentially abandon your entire life and maybe even country to play in OWL

OWL is local play, 6 coordinated players that have been training together for months, and know eachother, they also know who their oponents are as well, further giving them advantages that we in ladder dont have

in Ladder, we are 6 randos that most of the times dont even speak the same lenguage vs other 6 randos

Is OWL how “overwatch should be played?” Yeah you could say that, But its so awfully unrealistic that it shouldnt even be considered when it comes to game balance, OWL is the nice and pretty pink perfect princess dream, The Ladder is the reality


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The ladder is a useless trash can of wasted time. High skill video games need to be balanced around the best players. Pro play is Overwatch, Ranked is not.

And this useless trash can of wasted time is what the game truly is, Because thats what we all experience except for a few hundreds, are we going to ignore that?

sorry to dissapoint, BUt, consider this, imagine i want to get good in overwatch

if the game is balanced for GM, i know that, with enough dedication and practice i will be able to reach that “balance spot” the game is designed for

If that “balance spot” is OWL? i might as well give up, theres no way i could get in there even if i was the best player in the game, i cant travel to the US to play, so i would get massively discouraged to get good and give up

is that what we want? not give players a reason to get good? your essentially allienating 99% of the players from experiencing the true overwatch experience

As some coaches themselves said, some OWL players are bad in ladder, and the best of ladder players sometimes are bad in OWL

how can you determine whats the best there?

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If ranked is what the game truly is we are living in different realities. I don’t even know what to say to that statement other than you are wrong. I’m going to stop here.

Boosted Reaper might be one of the most nightmarish types of players to have on a team, because the hero is literally “walk as close as possible to people in a brawl and hold mouse1” and most of them never wait for their tanks. I’ve watched people in Masters walk into that typical 1v6 as Reaper, pop Death Blossom and die immediately. How did they get above Silver if they still do things like that?

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Its the truth, sorry to break it up to ya mate,

thats what overwatch really is

and it will become worse if they keep neglecting it for OWL but if you dont want to talk then i wont bother you anymore

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He is to low effort and high rewards on low ranks