Reaper should be #1 on the buff list (long post)

IDK, something like being able to wraith form after every mag dump?

This could be as simple as changing shadow step to have the cooldown timer begin as soon as the ability is activated, not as soon as it ends. So you shadow step for 3 seconds, fight for 5 seconds, then shadow step again for 3 seconds, and so on.

Why have the cooldown timer begin as soon as the ability activates rather than just shortening the timer to 5 seconds? This would prevent rapid reload cancelling, so you can’t mag dump then use wraith form for only 1 second, and have all your ammo reloaded every 5 seconds.

This would give reaper a shorter and safer “gameplay loop” of 16 seconds, very good if he can rotate in and out around a large health pack that’s on a 15 second cooldown, wraith would allow him to safely travel around 25m. Or a shorter gameplay loop around a small medipack, looping back in wraith form just to pick up the pack and coming right back out again.

Another change to shadow step would be to only slightly reduce the casting time but separate the marking of the target location from the teleportation. So Reaper can mark a point but can hit the teleport button again to go there from anytime or anywhere. The cast time should be about as long as a reload (1.5 sec).

This isn’t really a rework, you can still use shadow step the same as before by immediately teleporting as soon as you’ve marked your target location, but one aspect is objectively buffed by removing range and sight-line limits after the target in marked.

(I consider a “rework” to be fundamentally removing aspects of a hero’s kit and replacing them with something else that may or may not be any real improvement. )

I really tried my best to read that, it’s a bit confusing.

Reaper is just too simple. His kit is 2 dimensional. With nothing to master except for aiming and wraith timing. He needs something to master so he doesn’t instantly become useless above gold/plat. A hero that’s only good in some ranks is a bad hero


No, she should be reworked. His kit will never be balanced no matter how many buffs or nerfs.

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How you can buff reaper to be a tank killer and not a flanker with insta kills on 200hp heros?

Imo, do not just buff Reap and say he’s “fine”.

He needs a rework, so there are actual things to master (not saying he has to be the most complex hero ever made, but I think it would be great to make him easy to learn, hard to master).
Just adding more power won’t work, Reaper already has a lot of raw strength, yet he has no way to use it. He is one of the most inconsistent heroes in game, laughably weak when he’s not in a melee range and actually terrifying when he finally gets there-maybe even exchanging a bit of his dmg for better tools to use in combat and get close more often would help him out


Agreed with the whole post. When a hero is in the last spot in a meta that he supposed to counter you know that something serious needs to happen. Because when goats end, it will be even worse for our edgyboi.


The only thing that needs rework is the shadowstep. It’s the single worse ability in the game right now and has almost no use.

Imo it should get the hog’s breather treatment.

What about sombra? Translocator and Invisibility are combat abilities?

Or Widow? Mine is an ability she should use in combat?

And zenyatta? What combat ability does he have for himself aside from discord?

You don’t use shadowstep to enter/escape combat combat. Use it somewhere where the enemy can’t shoot you while you appear.

You want his shotguns to do more than 280 damage per shot?

For the complaints of deathblossom…you do realize that you don’t just walk up to the enemy to use it, right? Or that you’re the only one hitting the enemies, right? Or that the DPS is guaranteed and not random spread?

Putting wraithform on a meter and removing the delay would make him a nightmare and a mustpick in higher ranks. High level players would be able to avoid damage longer and easier than high level tracers, with 250HP that has life steal.

But um…wouldn’t he need less heals per second as less people are able to shoot him since they’re dead?

Reaper is far from useless. Bastion is far higher on the rework/buff list.

The only thing I want changed on reaper is his random spread, and shadowstep which is clunky and unreasonable in this version of the game

But let’s not act like reaper is hurting so crazy bad. He might have weaknesses but toxicity has never been a real issue for him, and he has had his moments to shine unlike sym and torb. And his moments we’re longer than junkrat, or bastion.
Armor is there to keep him and tracer from dominating and he still can two tap wlevem with armor. Again , random what hurts him. Not armor itself.

I just want his shadow step to…basically be a vertical wraith form. I think it makes more sense and goes with his cinematic

They can be used going in or out of combat reliably. ShadowStep is suicide near a fight.

She can deploy it mid fight and it deals dmg

It’s the only ability that you can’t use in combat, that’s the point

I want them to be reworked, depending on if his abilities are reworked. Read the post

Not if wraith is reworked

He was, but he was just buffed pretty well


people with awful game sense seem to be the ones opposed to making reaper somewhat viable


Don’t blame them for bad design of Reaper, he’s just made in a way that will always be oppressive against not really skilled people, yet will suck vs good players. He just needs a rework that would give him more depth, that’s all

This, yes, is true…


Except Tracer and Genji are some of the most polarizing heroes in this same vein and they’re played a TON. Nice try though.

Yeah he needs things to master. Like a speed mobility or something that needs more aim. All you can do with Reaper is

  • Shadowstep locations
  • Wraith timing
  • Very slight aim (even tho shotguns)
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Aiming when you’re that close has underappreciated challenges.

For example, if someone is really far away and moves 5.5m/s they only move a few degrees per second through your field of view.

If they are very close, moving at the exact same speed they are moving over 100 degrees per second.

This is why close range heroes have weapons that are much easier to hit such as a very wide melee hitbox (with a long hitbox duration), Tesla cannon filling the whole screen, or a stun like McCree’s flashbang.

Reaper’s spread is 1m wide (typical hero hitbox width) at only 2.8m, he needs to get close.

On comp, Reaper’s weapon accuracy is 27%. By contrast Hanzo has 33% accuracy, Genji has 30% accuracy. It’s not really that easy to aim as he’s either so far away that most pellets inherently miss or he’s so close that angular speeds make tracking an erratic target kinda hard.

But the problem Reaper has is just getting that close, too often burning wraith is a necessity to even begin play, so it’s not available as a safety net.


nice try? what are you even talking about? clearly you missed my point entirely.

There’s much less animosity toward Tracer and Genji by the community because those heroes have high skill ceilings and that is generally respected. Mei however, is not. So nobody plays her.

In an effort to raise her pick rate, she’s been getting buff after buff for the past 2 years. And now it’s pretty clear that in competent hands Mei is actually unstoppable, which is kind of overpowered. But ironically her pick rate still hasn’t gone up, because people just don’t like her concept. They couldn’t care less how powerful she is.

So my point was that Blizzard’s reasoning of buffing heroes just because their pick rate is low is misguided, and so is anyone suggesting it. Pick rate doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with hero balance (functionally). Balancing heroes based just on statistics seems insane to me.

I’m sorry but there’s nothing else to say but this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. In a game as competitive as Overwatch players won’t pick Mei “the most over powered hero” because she is hated? Are you kidding me?

Yeah let’s not use the best opportunity to win because “wahhh people won’t like me”. Because that stopped people from going from bronze to GM with Brigitte.

Then you say balancing heroes with evidence and statistics that prove they are bad is “insane”? I’m sorry how? What method are they supposed to use? Reinhardt is used a TON for a reason. Let’s buff him. Clearly his pick rate doesn’t indicate his usefulness. Let’s make him better.

Is there anyone at this point that really thinks Shadow “omegalul” Step doesnt need a brutal buff or a rework?


Yeah, Silver XBOX players on Reddit.

No player worth their SR thinks ShadowStep is an ability that should stay how it is