Reaper Needs A Buff

Reaper has been roughly the same since Beta with a few bug fixes here and there and lifesteal added to his kit. But Reaper’s kit is the most useless thing in the game.

Pre-Nerf Ana ult was when Reaper really started to shine because he could actually do his job get into the fight and kill big targets but after the Ana nerf he was never seen again even with the emergence of triple tank multiple times and now the emergence of Quad Tank, Reaper is still a dysfunctional character onless your entire team is revolved around making him work.

Reaper needs something that can help him get onto targets and either survive or get out, his Teleport is a giant HERE I AM Ability that leaves him vulnerable, Wraith form can’t be cancelled so it’s used mostly to get away but even that fails as Wraith’s movement speed bonus might as well not exist.

I recommend that Reaper’s Teleport is replaced with a Leap or Lunge of Some sort that lets him get into the fight or Wraith form gets a buff to movement speed and be allowed to cancelled like Mei’s Ice Block this can allow him a chance to actually dodge abilities and then get back to the fight. To many times a Reaper just Wraiths to survive and gets healed but he can’t cancel it so he’s just a easy to focus ghost when he gets out.

Another thing could be Buff his Fallout or tighten his spread they are both already to the extreme that anything that isn’t close range is considered a waste of ammo buffing one of these can actually allow him to poke or finish off targets


I agree, reapers teleport is basically a death trap. It’s easy to hear easy to see and reaper is just a sitting duck when you use it. Too bad Moira stole the ability that reaper should’ve had.


Oh don’t worry, your post will go unnoticed by developers…just like mine

Good effort bro.

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Agree! I think Reaper need Buff.

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But he won’t be buffed because he’s not genji or tracer…minority is nothing to blizzard.
I have created like over 4 threads for Reaper all of which got a lot of upvotes.
And with the new forum where you can’t bump your own threads…Reaper is screwed

R.I.P The Reaper


I think a simple buff could help Reaper. If his shotguns were changed so that they did 14 damage per pellet with only 10 pellets, it would increase his effectiveness against armor significantly, boosting his DPS against armored targets from 140 to 180 making it easier for him to chunk down tanks like D.Va, Reinhardt, and Orisa.

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what about the “hey wanna shoot me” deathtrap?