Reaper is useless!

If there is a Reaper on the enemies team the only thing I really worry about is being next to him when he ults. Once he has ulted I know there is no need to worry about him for a couple of minutes or so!

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Reaper is just a throw-pick now


He is still good on control points like village

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Yeah and easy countered when picked


Reaper thread dead as always…



He is useless and Hog will be buffed, too.
Complete RIP for Reaper

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I hope you realize that he would be unstoppable

I over exaggerated a bit. But I feel like needs more lifesteal to take out tanks easier in a brawl. And either lower his damage or increase is spread so he isn’t unstoppable fighting everything else.


I tried to centralize our posts a bit, hopefully it will catch some attention at long last.


With Hog getting Buffed I think it’s safe to say that Reaper is as dead as Mercy.

It’s sad because Reaper is such an ICONIC character in the roster and for him to be treated like this…

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Just remove shadowstep and make him move like in cinematics with ability to fly as black cloud of smoke for few seconds.

Honestly I want that too so bad

They could him improve without making him OP, they can add things to him like an alt-fire.

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So kinda Wraith-Form?