Reaper is getting nerfed

Lifesteal from 50 to 40%. It could still be nerfed back to 30 for all I care… BUT only if

  • We get to have changes to SS.
  • Give him a mid range sec fire (like smoke grenades)
  • give him 50 armor and 200 health (no more one shot headshots by Hanzo up close

Start adressing his real problems please!


looks like its now junk rats turn to be the OP character who will terrorise the lower ranks.


If his grenades don’t go through enemies that is. Still believe a 0.3 size projectile would have been the better option.


they wont rework reaper because they are too lazy. they should get rid of the ‘‘lore’’ department and hire more in game content making staff.


Is this a joke or?

There isn’t a lore team.


For consistency. This seems to be the Blizz HQ discussions about Reaper:

Yeah he needs a viable E. Shadow Step should be viable to engage AND to escape. Until that happens, Reaper will be trash tier.


they have a full time ‘‘writer’’ and he has other staff.

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Um…there is absolutely a lore team, including a lead writer.

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I think they should just speed up the animation on the disappearing side and leave the appearing animation the same.

It could actually be used to escape from certain situations without being a devastating ability.

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It’s a fair nerf to Reaps, but I wish they gave him something else, like an extra ability or a complete rework of his Shadow Step.

Unfortunately 99% of that team’s output seems to be via that lead writer’s Twitter account.

That’s just because we don’t get to see it. They have a whole lot of lore and characters just waiting to be released.

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No doubt this is the case, considering how many new characters keep getting added into the mix, implying an enormous story is in the works (Which would explain why it takes so long to tell)

Didn’t most of them get removed in the 800 a short while back?

Dunno if a full rework is really necessary. Just give him some smoke bombs so that he has a way of dealing with ranged heroes that isn’t just more damage. This also lets him get in close saving wraith to get out.

What use is a story that doesn’t get told? What are they waiting for, a rainy day so they can sit us down around a campfire and tell us the TRUE meaning of Overwatch?

They have a lead writer and writing team that seems to have no internal story consistency (the canon is a total mess), and no real output. The short story that released recently reads like a fanfic that someone could have knocked together in an hour or two.

The art and design departments regularly knock it out of the park, but the story side of OW is so severely lacking that I actually have to wonder what it is that they do when they turn up to work other than sleep at their desks and play miniature office golf.


They write the story and heroes. How much they get to release is based off the marketing people and number crunchers, as well which heroes have kits and dialogue for Archives.

Something tell me that reaper have no future and will always be bad or noob stomper.

Archives is the only real reason for the writing staff to exist now tbh. I really hope they make good on their promise of increasing development staff for OW, and if it goes F2P, making a big success of new modes. :frowning:

Welp I’m happy Reaper is still trash tier because I don’t like the idea of a character like Reaper being viable. :slight_smile:

Sources for this? Couldn’t find anything reliable