Reaper event skin revealed

Yes, also reaper needed more lore.
All we know is that he was a former overwatch agent and now he is a Talon terrorist that hunts past overwatch members.

We never knew what happened in the middle, and the story seems to going to be about that. I am looking forward to learn what made him turn into a heartless monster.


Probably? Who knows :man_shrugging:t2: but same i love sombras character and can never get enough of her :grin:

Looks like the events of this story are either happened at the present day of the Overwatch universe, or happened recently. Because apparently Sombra is involved too so…
The teaser might be saying that he mass murdered the omnics of King’s Row Underworld…

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With her and Doom being in the sprays, seems they’ll get a passing mention at least. Hyped to see what they do with them


i’ve found a description guys :scream: so:

Travel down Gabriel Reyes’s dark path in the Reaper’s Code of Violence Challenge.

Here’s the link where i find it https ://


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I really hope they don’t go down the “anti-hero”, Darth Vader, “there’s still good in him” route with Reaper. I want him to hate Overwatch, I want to know why and I want his reasons to be believable.

I want him to be an actual villain. There are surprisingly few in Overwatch.


Reaper is lorewise one of the most interesting characters for me.
What made him finally snap?
The death of his good friend Gerard?
Or anything less?
We know he became more and more merciless by simply killing Antonio.
Then he led a rebellion against Overwatch.


I believe that in this event we will finally know how Gabriel introduce himself to Doomfist (second spray) and Sombra (strange that in the third spray he is without the mask, Sombra know who he is) :eyes:

Can’t read it tho, it’s not in english.

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Because being a villain or not is only about your PoV. You can be a hero to some and the worst villain to others at the same time.

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Yeah same :grin:

20 char.


Im Italian but i can read Spanish without problem, another new news is that this skin is a legendary, no epic skin, NOICE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :ghost:

Also they say that there will be 6 sprays but only 3 are visible :thinking:


Or Doomfist contacted him first?

And he still has his normal face…
So it’s atleast before the battle of Swiss hq

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To some extent. You can pretty easily apply that logic to Doomfist - he believes that conflict strengthens humanity and he believes he is working for the greater good. You can disagree with him, but you can understand his reasoning.

It’s pretty hard to arge that Reaper, hunting down retired Overwatch agents (who are now in non-combat roles and thus in no position to do anything, really) is doing anything other than being evil.

There are some acts that, as a society, we deem to be inexcusable in any circumstance - war crimes are a good example.

Now i think that is the story, how Gabriel and Talon got to work with eachother. But i don’t think they reveal the truth of his condition or how his face became deformed in this short story…
Also if it’s before the battle of Swiss hq then Sombra should be younger than atlaest 25.
How old she was when she joined Talon?

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As of right now we do not have enough information to actually form ourselves a picture. Maybe he is only hunting down people who were responsible for the big boom in Overwatch HQ where he and Jack supposedly died.

Sorry if bits of this don’t make sense I’m definitely not on top of the lore anymore since its so spread out.

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We don’t know who exactly is being hunt down by Reaper.

In Ana’s comic he says: “they left me to become this thing” and also: “they left me to suffer”.
Maybe he is only hunting “them”?


If they do this in a way it looks logical, then ok.
But i doubt since we already know he killed many people. He probably has a “joker” situation where his life went terrible for various reasons…
People think he is dead, everyone forgot about him since Morrison was the main leader of overwatch, his family already replaced him and moira’s experiments on him are making this more painful for him… so i doubt there’s any way they’ll make a redemption arc for reaper now.
Maybe in the future, but without an origin story it’s not possible


I’m so excited for tomorrow, after all this years finally the time of reckoning is here :ghost::partying_face::heart::sunglasses:

P.s maybe but just maybe he will have his normal voice with this skin? :eyes:

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Nah i don’t think so.

If they can’t add his normal voice to his soldier: 24 skin then it won’t happen to this skin.

Besides he will most likely 100% have his mask on in this skin, so don’t get your hopes up at least.