đŸ„ Reaper and Sym should be Lurkers not Flankers (don't make them Beyblade Heroes)

Lurkers used to work, but the pace of the game has shifted to be so fast that no one plays like they used to. Everyone knows to just rush and fight on point, the era where hanging out over on the left side and ‘covering it’ from attackers while your team defends the point is gone, it’s now a CONSTANT brawl. Maybe it’s different for top players but in all of my matches it’s nothing but a constant smashfest. There’s not enough time in the game for you to lurk.

Again blame Dive, Goats and other patches for that

I played when Dive was a thing, back when Dive was a thing you COULD lurk because often times Dive needed to split up and put resources into multiple avenues of attack, as not all characters are capable of diving.

I think it’s not about the meta, it’s about how much players know the game. Back when Dive was meta and everyone hated it, people had only been playing for Z amount of time. Now it’s been longer, everyone has realized that there are these shortcuts; you don’t need to slowly encroach space if y’all just show up super fast as a group and smash everything.

It’s not really that GOATS is a problem with the characters being balanced the way they are [even though that’s part of it don’t get be wrong] but it’s also a social / community waking up to the possibilities of how to play the game in ways that the game wasn’t meant to be played.

Obviously the OW team wants you to have great battles and claim space over time, that’s how the game was meant to be played. Goats sorta proved that you don’t need to wait, just have Lucio boost you on and there’s nothing a non-goats team can do about it, basically.

Symmetra is weak to Genji unless she has a full charge going already. No turrets are not something that stops him unless the genji is a potato.

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Which is why its a good thing one or two heroes can bring everyone else up to speed.

Might as well say D.va and Sombra do the same thing, too. A D.va pouncing a badly positioned enemy is so different from a Symmetra trying to inconspicuously set up a cheesy flank. I remember some one else once saying they loved how impactful that play can be, but here’s the thing: its just luck, a left hook thrown to trip up the opponent. That is not worth balancing a hero’s kit around imo.

Between the fact that you have to track him while he’s circe de soleiing all around [I see we went from not much aim needed to ALL the aim needed, yeah that’s a change that makes sense for that character! Why shouldn’t we have Widow 2.o??] and the fact that your turrets now take longer to set up and deploy to get at him, Genji is the worst.

 I guess not new D. Va, this was old D. Va before boosters were touched

Honestly, there’s a huge problem with flankers in general. Ideally, you would flank out, deal with the enemy flankers, then come in behind the main attack and do some surprise damage.

The problem is, the main fight is usually already decided and done by the time you get over to it. Which means that flankers tend to ignore each-other and just go into the fight. So rather than a sort of strategic flow, you get a chaotic big cluster fight on the point.

Way before my time.

My point is flanking is a much more consistent (and viable) tactic if you’re team can enable each other doing so.

Sym just repositions the whole team, but heroes can’t really follow through in a true flank fashion unless they’re already mobile. Otherwise, you’re just redefining the front line at the cost of cutting yourselves off from your spawn.

This is also why an efficiently flanking Reaper is too strong. It’s like Tracer, but instead of managing blinks and spatial awareness; Reaper would simply press a button to get in, turn a corner, get a pick while tanking damage, and press a button to leave; what’s the enemy going to do? Be psychic about the Reaper’s position while still fighting his teammates?

Why don’t just wait?
The current PTR-patch isn’t even online.
And we don’t even have details for the teleport-changes.

Just saying what the breadcrumbs are telling me.

Plus already figured the idle direction, if it’s the complete opposite that keeps going, Which it has been.

You might as well call it “Beyblade” cause that’s not Sym we know.

“Beyblade” is really seemly the focus of this Patch it seems.

I feel like the only reason Reaper was ever classified as an Offense hero is because of how they portrayed him in the shorts
 where he incidentally makes extensive use of a much better version of shadow step.

Guess I am saying they shouldn’t be Beyblade heroes
 which we seem to be going.

Oh I was talking about old, old, old Symmetra. One that didnt have to aim. If they made her into lurker that is.

-👓 Sym and Reaper "Proper" changes (3rd Person Placement) (Non Beyblade) (How I would change Reaper’s Shadow Step and Sym’s Teleporter)

Basically making 3rd person placement happen with Reaper’s Shadow Step and Sym’s Teleporter. (Think Doomfist’s Ult)

(Unlike Doomfist 's Ult) There would be some important differences.

Placement effect would basically happen same as 1st person placement happens, though 3rd Person would give them more range and ease to place the placement.

They would be vulnerable while using the ability. (think of Junkrat during his ult, remember to hide.)

(Optional) Whatever they are using for the 3rd person placement, either Black cloud (Reaper) or Camera made of Light (Sym). It can be destroyed. (Optional)

They would be able to see the enemy from a safe distance and relay it to their team like current Sombra

They can place the placement anywhere within a 50 meter radius. (Even if it’s behind walls, on roofs, etc

Everything else still happens the same.

(3/8/19 Edit: Limit Sym’s to 3 people cause Geoff seems to have a problem with the whole team going though Sym’s Teleporter.)

Bonus for Sym: Instead of her summoning Flying Turrets.

Have her Summon Flying Barriers again

and when the Barriers hit a wall or a surface have then turn into Turrets.

Basically the return of Proton Barrier (or a lesser version of it, Or greater depending on the situation) but doesn’t let her lose anything else.