Reaper alt fire idea

Give reaper dragon breath rounds as an alt fire ability. It would be on a 5 or 6 second cool down and woukd do 75% base damage and then 35% fire damage over time while having more range and a tighter spread. He would get 4 shots when he activities the ability and the cool down starts when he uses all 4 shots

Sounds neat, but I can’t see the connection between dragons, fire, and Reaper. Maybe a “Necrotic breath” would fit better, but I sincerely doubt that the devs would do anything to give Reaper more damage/damage outputs.


The reason i thought of dragon fire was one i love using it irl so much fun and fits with reapers destructive nature as well it would allow reaper to combo with mauga a talon member so why not add them to your belt if it helps your team kill people faster

I wasn’t aware that “Dragon fire” was a real thing. I thought you were talking about some sort of nickname for the damage done by Hanzo’s ult

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Give Reaper his grenade launchers back.


They are insanly cool


I always thought a grenade round with slowly regenerating ammo would be neat.
Or a slug with long range.

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Give him explosive frag rounds like in Battlefield :exploding_head:


What would the grenade even do tho thats my problem whats the purpose for his hit.

I think dragons breath is better because one we already have fire damage as well it would make reaper work well with mauga a talon member

like image if both of your dps could synergies with your tank that bloody cool

Probably they will give him Hog’s old alt-fire lol.

Reaper right click should have a charge metre: the longer you charge the harder he throws his guns at people, dealing damage on impact.

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They’re just gonna wait two years and give him another DOT ability. Virus, pig pen and idk. Skull bomb

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I disagree it doesn’t fit him i think dragon fire breath would work better and would be easy to add

I’d give him a smoke grenade that deals DOT and procs his Life Steal.

Why not give him a sort charge shot where procing alt fire lets him take all incoming damage turning it into a speed boost+damage boost/fortify/speed boost kind of ability while allowing him to keep fighting with his m1.

Not skull bomb but a mine of some kind. In the unused character ability art for Reaper, it looks like a black shadowy glob.

I wouldn’t mine if it was placed or dropped during wraith activation or end. Or even if shadow step left something behind! :thinking:

I think an alt fire idea is good! Dragon rounds sound cool, or something for shields like Ram punch — but why can’t we fire his shotguns at the same time as an alt fire? x2 the punch L/R mouse or triggers

Doesnt change the fact he cant get anywhere quick enough to use them lol

I have a feeling Reaper’s gonna get something similar to Hog’s old alt fire. He needs some sort of firing style to keep enemies at bay.

He just poops out a DOT? I’m cool with it. My point is that they just keep adding those