Really not commenting on the queue time bug Blizz?

What the heck is going on, not even a comment about the queue time bug?


what bug are you talking about?

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Queue time estimates are inaccurate due to a bug. It’s causing all roles to show <8 min queue times. This makes it so that you can’t queue fill for 25 credits or use priority passes for high demand roles.


Honestly, I wouldn’t expect a fix. OW2 is basically around the corner, and taking dev time to fix this isn’t likely on their radar.


Are you sure that this is a bug? This could be a result of missing players.
Matchmaking may be tuned for a higher number of active players.
If so, I would not be surprised if this is not commented on.

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Same here, all timers < 8 min and no 25 credite, not in QP not in rating + no option to use tickets.


No it’s a bug since yesterday. And on the comment about Blizz not fixing bugs, they most certainly have not abandoned the code base for OW1. This is very uncharacteristic unless this is purposeful. My guess is they are going to remove priority passes and this is the first step to get players used to it, and may be doing a test to see how people queue when they have no queue time information to base their decisions on. Really crappy way to do it quite frankly.


I’m curious as to what exactly has caused the bug. What did they tinker with that would cause estimates to break? My first guess would be that they’re working on more accurate estimates because the current ones seem a bit, um, loose sometimes. An improvement on that would be cool.


Could be. I’ve also speculated that going to one tank in OW2 they may be experimenting with dropping the passes also. Hiding queue times shows what people will do when in their mind “its all equal”.

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That’s an interesting point. I haven’t really thought about it myself, but perhaps they consider passes to have been a failure and are going to dump them in the future? I don’t mind having Hogs everywhere if it means faster games, but there have been a lot of complaints over both needing passes to get a sane queue time and quality of pass-seeking temp tanks.

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An unconfirmed bug in a black box system.
So it’s pure conjecture on your part.

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Was there some point to this comment?

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Yes, maybe it’s not a bug at all.
I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what I said earlier.

Really not commenting on the queue time bug Blizz?

Your question might be invalid, which is why you won’t get an answer.

It’s a bug.
Last night all my queues were estimating 8 minutes across the board (even for Tank) but I got into games way faster than that lol. Certainly a bug, especially with several people confirming its existence. Though, I’m not sure why this thread is titled the way it is, like “really Blizz?”

Did you think this was some astute observation on your part? Sure, it could be intentional; they don’t have a long history of that and we are giving them first the benefit of the doubt.

Intentional or not; they owe us some form of explanation for such a key feature.

Because they are not acknowledging it. I’ve opened a thread in the bug forum yesterday and no response in over 12 hours. So I am asking directly about it again and poking them.

I don’t mind a bug; I don’t mind slow comments, I do mind simply for such a key feature being left in the dark for no obvious reason. My only conclusion then is its a test to see how players queue with no queue time information. It also has the convenient side-effect of limiting down coins and loot boxes procurement as we wind up to go into OW2 where a conversion of coin to v-currency will take place.


It’s making Coin farming way harder now that it’s not offering 25 credits anymore… I just wanna get the last couple Cosmetics for Moira and Hanzo so I can be satisfied seeing that I have all of them lol

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it’s the exact same codebase as OW2

so they probably changed something for that and didn’t realise it broke for OW1

(automated testing is beyond that of this multi-dollar company)


true… they have their new game.

it doesnt make sense to me why they would be even updating this 6 year old dead game and not address any issues… whats the point, we got a sequel coming out anyways and now theyre promising that theyre going to treat their BRAND NEW SEQUEL GAME as a Live game… its exciting stuff!

I have friends that just got the watchpoint pack and were really excited for this event. To leave paying customers hanging without any explanation is not right. Blizzard have a lot to make up for in my mind given their recent history and if this is a sign of things to come then so long and thanks for all the fish I guess…


They should at least let us know something, cuz now it’s just a debate if it’s a bug or special feature

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