Realized why devs think Mercy is okay

How about


  • Damage Boost moved to a reload button ability that just adds damage boost to the heal beam. Say 2sec duration, 6sec cooldown after duration ends.
  • Blaster merged into the staff on secondary fire, unlimited ammo
  • 55hps on airborne players.
  • Healing Grounded/NearGround players project a moving soldier heal, get an additional 25hps, that’s indicated by a small magic circle below their feet.
  • Instant SingleRez as an Ult
  • MiniValk as an ability, no chain beams
  • Melee whips out the butt end of the staff, and doesn’t break the beam

I think they aught to just get rid of DB, and turn that button/action into something that works across all ranks really well. Maybe have it engage a chain heal that has an overheat mechanic, so her staff can completely stall out if she abuses it. Or a single target burst type heal, with the same overheat mechanic (like when Mercy get’s Ana nano boosted)…short taps are good, but stick too it too long and all healing stops for a couple seconds.

DB is just such a troublesome thing. At high levels it sounds like it’s a pain, and at low levels where I play it’s just about useless as no one can hit their mark.