Real name displaying to friends not granted Real ID access

Hi, since the last patch (the one for the LEGO Bastion skin) my real name has been displaying for my friend even though I didn’t grant him access.

I’m also now able to see his real name. It shows up in the text chat box in game, and he said mine does as well. He doesn’t remember if he granted me access or not, but certainly not in the past couple of days since the patch.

This makes me pretty uncomfortable. I’m close enough friends with this particular friend that I guess it’s fine…but most of the people on my friends list are total strangers.

I have Real ID disabled in my Blizzard account. When I right click on his name in my friends list it has the option to “Upgrade to Real ID Friend”

Anyone else having this problem? How can I fix it?


Same here. Haven’t figured out how to fix it yet. I guess it is a bug somehow.

I’m having the same issue.