Real comp problem

So can safely see after coming back and all the changes they still have the knock down system in ranked mode. The reason I left. Absolute burn out from that ish. Letting you play a few games and win then hitting you with a stone wall of losses so you’ll come back tomorrow to “try again”. What a joke of a game :joy:


oh you’re referring to the “Activision Patented Casual Carry System” ?

yeah the way to break that is to pay attention to the kill feed in game
see who the carry is on the enemy team and counter there pick ?

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Hard to do if you play a critical roll in the team like tank or healer (which I usually do) because no one else will :expressionless:

Fill is the absolute worst way to climb. Auto-locking the hero you carry the hardest with is the best way to climb. Filling is basically rolling the dice.

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I learned that the hard way. Offer to fill and so many times I would see someone pick a main tank. I say Ok cool ill heal… and then I watch the Rein (by choice) charge into the enemy over and over and over…

I went from struggling to stay in gold to mid plat just by saying screw it I play tanks. Only time I switch off is when there is other people that actually want to tank.

Fighting the urge to be helpful has been far better than trying to make a decent comp.

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Seriously, just play what you know you’re good at. You can’t queue with rando’s and expect that the skills of 6 strangers are going to fit neatly into a balanced comp every match.

And hey, it’s fun when a comp that looks suboptimal in the spawn room ends up working out! Variety is the spice of life, as they say.

Play what you’re good at but you should also try to be good at more than one hero, preferably from each class. By good I mean acceptable for your SR bracket. If not, you’re going to find yourself in too many situations where your only decent hero either isn’t viable or you get another one trick on your team who also wants to play that hero meaning whichever one doesn’t get to play it is throwing. This is also why role queue needs to exist.

My personal strategy is usually trying to pick around 4th or 5th. I feel my hero pool is big enough that I don’t have to instalock but also not so big that I’m comfortable playing any specific hero that the team might need. So let those instalockers play what they’re most comfortable on, usually it’s the DPS and mercy mains. Then try to pick whatever hero from my pool fits in best with those 3 or 4 heroes selected. I’ll usually trust the last person to fill so I’m not forced into something I hate/bad at like pocketing a Pharah with Mercy.

so you left because of something that doesnt exist?