"Reading our Feedback"

This is how I got my forms lvl 3… just loaded the mercy thread and kept hitting page down.

I personally have 143K posts read, and well over 5000 posts^ of direct interaction with the players themselves… Me, a random Forum user.

And that’s Just On This Forum, Let alone all the reading i did on the old forum.

And yet, People keep telling me that i know nothing, and should listen to the devs.

(Especially when involving Bastion… Since i guess i just don’t know enough…)

I never did that “Scroll through a big forum thread” Thing either… I was under the impression that was genuine cheating to raise ones own trust level, so i avoided scrolling mindlessly.

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You know, i Really Hope this Doesn’t Get 404’d Since we NEED To be calling out the devs at this point.

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I just wanna though this out there… It’s possible they have other accounts they use as well. Not trying to back them up or anything but people need to be aware before they really get harsh with calling out anyone.

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Be this a possibility, it seems unlikely… Since their actions point towards a lack of understanding, that someone would clearly have if they Had Read the information in question.

Not shooting you down, just…

They haven’t made a good image for themselves here.

Not sure if you’re saying I was doing that or not, apologies my brain appears to not be working right now

I’m not violating the CoC. I’m not naming and shaming, since this is public intimation gathered by the forum. I’m criticizing the devs, but not insulting them which is allowed

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If you read my response through there’s an explanation as to why it doesn’t matter if people keep wanting something very unhealthy to the game even if it’s considerable amount of them. The only subjective matter that they’re ready to discuss outside their own developers is whether something fundamentally flawed or unfair like one-shotting a tank with a scatter arrow or hook combo executing everything which is why they changed Hog and Hanzo. Since the same thing doesn’t apply to Mercy they’ll only look at her objectively through performance statistics that show absolutely nothing alarming. Her newest upcoming nerf just tunes down the pace of her healing but in numbers it should be something similar taken that her pocketed allies don’t die more often now

So much for a third of that development triangle of theirs
You’d think seasoned developers would look at something that’s getting overwhelming hate from all sides, Mercy players saying it dosen’t feel powerful and others simoltainiously saying it’s OP (with pickrates to back that idea up.) you’d think that’d be key to give up, especially when that must pick but boring non sense has survived 5 sets of nerfs one of which was sledgehammer nerfs with the devs not even hiding the fact that it was just a desperate plea to pull her out of the meta.

I don’t think so… I just set my page to autoscroll the Mercy thread to get my “posts read” for level 3, and it seemed to work pretty well…

I cant believe how low their view numbers are

Wow i never thought he would read the forums.
It’s weird his Job is the most critiziced in the forums Even more than balance i think .

Personally i think he is mediocre but i don’t think its entirely his fault

They do but they also understand that there’s considerable amount of people on the other side of that. I’d be pissed if a revert happened and have thought that the new Mercy has been much better than the old one and I’m not alone. It’s just that those happy with the rework aren’t going to come here where as people are sure as heck going to come complain to the forums trying to change things.

Mercy isn’t a must pick. She’s a must pick if you want to play meta and that’s how meta works. There’s absolutely nothing overtuned about her but her consistensy against Moira and healing against Ana makes her currently the only truly viable main healer in meta environment where fights are really long and ult centric. She has the highest team synergy out of all the heroes in current meta rosters even more than Hanzo who’s in the middle of it all.

In other words people can babyrage their subjective opinions on the developers all they want but as long as those opinions are not based on any objective statistics (outside pickrates) and are unhealthy to the game they’re not going to be addressed which is really good for the game

Those “objective statistics” showed that MErcy was balanced pre-rework, where she just isn’t now.

Aaaaaaah so that’s why they’re totally ruining Sombra!

Papa Jeff has made an entire video explaining their reasoning behind the rework of Mercy so I’m not going to go on repeat here. The short version is that her initial playstyle was deemed both unhealthy and unfair to the game. Also obviously the developer’s subjective opinions do matter when considering subjective QoL changes. Expecting them not to be excluded from my argument seems really unreasonable

So instead they made even more unhealthy and unfair mechanic!

And they were saying that because people discovered that SR Exploit.

Overall yes they did as she was blatantly OP but that’s rather irrelevant because it was about objective statistics and not just some “I don’t like it” complaining. Her reworked playstyle is much more healthier and much less unfair than what prework Mercy played with. Both of these have been addressed multiple times nerf after nerf and now that she has received a nerf even when her statistics haven’t shown anything overtuned she’s probably going to stay like this until all the other heroes are addressed properly as well.

I don’t know if we can even say “more healthier” and “rework was a success” if it needs 10 nerfs to it, and people are still asking for more.

They should really just go back to the Mercy 1.0 mass res and:

  • Leave no immortality during the res
  • LoS require
  • Cast time

And with current changes to ultimates, bad timed Res would be a total loss to Mercy.

But here we are now, expecting more nerfs to come.

And now Sombra is getting that exact same playstyle; hide in a corner until the oppertune moment appears.