Re: Hero Pools - restrictions on player choice have gotten out of control

Which is why I’m VERY happy that they’re going about it this way rather than what the community wants.

We’ve proven time and time again, that we’re an incorrigible, indecisive, and unpleasable bunch and have next to no idea on what we want from Overwatch as a collective.

At least this way, we’re ALL forced to work outside of our comfort zones and actually try to use some of the other heroes in the game rather than constantly picking the popular majority, especially since we always complain about the current META.


We have had 4 years to work together and only stayed divided, the devs have said this whole time, for example they don’t want 1 tricks banned or for people to only play 1 role or sub role or hero kinda thing and they wouldn’t listen. (well they state something like they want everyone to have a handful of heroes they play)

How long did you think it would go without the devs acting? They borderline beg us to work together, even if it’s not always what we want, but people won’t…

What do you want them to do, back up the people playing the game the way they intend, or leave people to pervert their vision?


you didn’t watch the entire video don’t you?

they said they will change the way they balance stuff.

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This is a good thing because when its up to the players to decide the meta we end up in a meta for over 8 months. I would rather the meta switch every week forcing people to learn new heroes than play the same six characters every single day for months and months.


Along with hero pools, balance will be way more aggressive. It’ll force the game staying fresh while also hopefully forcing the game to have better balance. I’m excited for this ngl. I don’t think it’s removal of choice, but some weeks can be more rough than others depending on your playstyle and what heroes you play


im just happy they went with ONLY comp this time…like let the power hungry “i need MORE control” people ruin their game mode if they want…

at least they kept the general casual playerbase over in QP alone this time (unlike 222)

but yes…in general the past year has been moving the game in a “more restrictions” direction and im not personally a big fan…frankly all the other stuff they mentioned was fantastic…so im glad for that


Yep, this also guarantees that a wide variety of characters will be excluded over time instead of the same ones over and over for the most part.


That’s completely false. I’m about as far from a OTP as you can get, and I find the idea of hero pools extremely frustrating. It’s one of the last changes I would have ever wanted made to this game.


Obviously they’re going to be banning more DPS than tank/support. There’s no way they wouldn’t.


im just happy they went with ONLY comp this time…

This change will be mirrored to quickplay if it stays implemented, exactly like no duplicate heroes & 2-2-2.


the first example he gave of a ban wave was

sigma, orisa, mei, and moira

it sounds like hero pools is about whos meta. not what class has what heros


ill have to rewatch video…but he specifically said comp only


That was a quick example. The details aren’t hashed out yet really. The ratio of DPS to tanks/healers makes more sense to have more DPS banned, generally.


what? why? This is meant to solve the issue of stagnant metas. When we talk about the meta it’s all about comp. QP vs Comp pickrates are completely different.


For OWL it’s one tank, one support and two dps that get banned, maybe it’s the same for the ladder?


Could be. That sounds appropriate if they go with 4.

If that way the case they would just out it in QP at the same time as competitive. Like they did with 222. Or, yanno, map pools in competitive only…

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I don’t think so. he talked a lot about how this was targeted at keeping the meta flowing.

implementing hero pools would be pointless if it was random.

tanks and supports tend to dictate meta. im pretty sure its going to be pointed at meta more than anything. since its entire purpose is to force meta diversity in competitive.

it makes literally 0 sense to do it any other way

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He did say comp only, dudes just fearmongering. He intentionally neglected map pools have stayed comp only and it’s not in QP.


The main issue with Hero Pools is that it will restrict the most meta team comp to such an extreme degree that, only 6 heroes will be viable.

Will it be pleasant gameplay for all 3 roles? It depends on which 6 heroes are made viable by the weekly Hero Pool meta.

But it is undeniable that banning heroes for everyone for a whole week will hammer a very specific viable team comp every time, and that’s going to be frustrating because not every one will want or be able to play these picks.