Re-balance the game or lose remaining player base to realm royale

overwatch is dieing.

first fortnite took a huge chunk of the player base, now realm royale is here getting hype as frak.

if you keep up the ez mode heroes everyones going to leave once and for all.

delete brigitte or nerf her to oblivion.
tone down hanzo storm arrow more (4 arrows is good)
turn down his ult charge

there u go games fixed.

it takes like 3 button presses by ur coders.
your hemorrhaging players like crazy

role que is awesome gj
problem is who wants to play this imbalanced game?

low skill heroes are fine, we need them, just don’t make them destroy high skill heroes.
brig easily kills rein and winston and every other hero really if played with a modicum of teamwork.

she is way over tuned and makes the game super fail and not fun.
pharah hanzo widow are the only 3 in the cast that kill her.

fix the game plz.


It’s far from dying…
It has issues sure…

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This game is NOWHERE near dying. Let’s make this clear now.


and give realm royale a month and it will die to fortnite

also, why would people go from overwatch to realm royale?..why not fortnite? which is better designed that rr

I mean is Paladins actually fixed now because last time i checked it was more bugged than this game.

You do also realise that this silly battle royale bandwagon is actually starting to die off now, right?

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It’s not dying (please run spellcheck before posting more doomsayer threads)…

It has issues that need resolving, and its initial hype has died down. It still has (and will continue to have) a very solid player base.

Realm Royale and Fortnite will be about as relevant 2 years from now as H1Z1 is right now.

Still amazes me how people see this in black or white, like you cant play both games … because they are absolutely different. One is an FPS and the other one is a FFA third person shooter. Its like saying “hey improve WoW or people is going to go to CS:GO”



it is dying? im getting 5 min waiting times per match, quickplay is even longer. The games current state is garbage and not fun at all, you can play about three matches an thats it. Hanzo is a monster, brig is ridiculous an renders most other heros useless, mercy needs another rework, moira got blatantly nerfed for no reason, the devs think ana is fine, bastion has been dead for more than a year, reins apparently been getting bug fixes for months, sombra is the most bugged hero the games had, playing tanks is the most boring thing unless you’re zarya.

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realm royale is just paladins renamed likely to try and copy fortnite in a attempt to become popular but fortnite might not have to much time left if pubg is successful in there lawsuit

  1. It’s not dying. That’s hyperbolic, at best.

  2. If you play at hours where a majority in your region are sleeping, you’re going to have longer queue times regardless.

  3. You’re on console, the wait times are going to be substantially longer than for PC players.

  4. If your wait times are truly that long for QP, your MMR must be far detached from the majority of the player base (in either direction)

Over 5 minutes for a quickplay queue? Where the hell are you fr–

…oh. Nevermind, you’re on console. That explains it.

PC playerbase is alive and well, but I guess the console players all got tired of MKB snipers or something.

Battle Royale games are nothing but a fad that is bound to die soon. Fortnite is already struggling in its attempts to keep its playerbase engaged, and that game is considered to be the best BR game around. I give the BR genre a few months until people move on and the games fade into obscurity. Meanwhile Overwatch will still be around, proving all those “oVeRWaTch iS dYiNG” folks wrong.

A. Realm Royales target playerbase may intersect some with OW target playerbase, but it’s not the exact same pool completely.
B. Your requests to “nerf to oblivion” any character are a great example of how to alienate and lose large chunks of players.
Teamwork is what this game is about, her encouraging teamwork to fight for and against anyone is not a bad thing. … Rein does NOT lose to brig unless you play him extremely poorly and just try to hide behind the shield (just… HIT… her). Brigitte hard counters maybe 3 characters , the rest are either easy to stay away and peg her with or hard counter her back.

… I don’t agree with anything you’ve said and I really hope blizzard doesn’t listen to players like you. .

Do people still lay H1Z1?

I have heard no mention of it in forever