Rate overwatch right now

lack of actual new content being release in the live game. lack of new events/game mode.
the game just feels old.
plus the recent change they made to soft locking the server region made players matched to servers they don’t even choose. Basically stripping players off the choice of choosing servers.

It was an unannounced change to the game and it made the player base frustrated at Blizzard. Almost as if they know most players are not gonna be happy with the decision, so they decided to make it a ‘surprise’ change. A surprise change that has made loyal players even myself to consider quitting for other better games like Apex or Valorant

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The what? Not sure what that is supposed to mean. In my opinion the balance is completely wrong on a fundamental level. The entire game needs to be rebalanced from the ground up so that tanks aren’t excessively overpowered and there aren’t so many anti-fun mechanics such as stuns and giant barriers. 5v5 sounds like a step in the right direction though so I’ll re-evaluate when the time comes.

The majority of the problem stems from the competitive focus of the community and development. The game is simply not fun because the goal is not about fun. It’s about competition and making money. Removing competitive mode and esports would be a great first step.

4/10 is not “that” bad though. I rate on a 1-10 scale where 5 is an average game so a 4 is just a bit below average. I don’t think it is worth playing at the moment, but I’m addicted even though I hate every minute of it.

Paladins is… good on a wave if you know what i mean, they do tanks and healers way better than OW and has other elements you might love or hate. Keep in mind it took like 15 devs 4 years to get to the great garbage fire of OB64 (just google it for some laughs), so it doesn’t feel like AAA quality.

And TF2 is amazing, way out dated engine though… i have 3000+ hours in it, but as i upgraded my hardware it performed worse so i stopped playing… sigh… i would probably play it over OW if it ran as well.

Still has a huge player base even though valve servers nearly killed the private community.

But really paladins and OW, both straight up ripped off TF2’s game style, with paladins not taking their character, OW straight up took Medic (Mercy), Engie (torb) and demo man (junkrat) from TF2, and to a lesser extent Soldier (pharah is just tf2 soldier with a quake launcher)…

Though tf2’s characters have a way higher skill cap/floor than OW’s, in comparison, things like Medic’s only mobility being from the quick fix and tied directly to what his healing target does, Medic has 1/4 the healing output and has to ramp up to that but does over-healing, drops ult on death, has a harder to hit side arm and things like that.

I think medic’s uber charge was the first pvp “ult” aswell.

Kinda like how demoman has 10x the reload time to make the spam bearable, full self dmg so you have to plan and can’t just yeet yourself making position more important, less mag size and has to wait 1.2 secs to detonate mine so he can’t just faceroll.

Still love OW’s counterparts but it is what it is.

Paladins is a lot more unique in this regard as the only real comparable things outside match structure is nando’s shield is kinda like riens, and it’s kinda funny cause everyone says paladins ripped off OW, even though it was in development years before OW was a concept and nando was fully developed before the OW engine was started. but you know fanboys haha…

Give them a shot if you feel like it, just remember the other games don’t give you as much for free so it takes some adjusting.

Needs a better settings menu, ingame calendar etc. Even if would be just an estimation of dates.
Some little changes to heroes here and there.

Aesthetics/hero personalities/beauty of maps is 10/10 no doubt.

Negative 50

this game is nuclear garbage

McCree/Echo/Tracer are still obnoxious and are never nerfed.
Really sucks for us DPS players who don’t want to abuse broken heroes.

Mcree and echo have gotten pretty big nerfs tho.

People like Sty, SVB, Flats, etc. and coaches in general.

You want Valorant basically. You should play it, not OW then. OW has these things for a reason. People need to stop playing OW then complaining about what the game is about. It’s like picking up Chess, then saying I want Checkers because both have a similiar checkerboard and use pieces, but are fundamentally different games. You either like OW for what it is, or you don’t. Not everyone’s definition of “fun” mechanics matches yours. This is just the same old DPS line wanting supports to make them look good and tanks to be fat targets in the process to be bullied down. Not buying it.


can’t give any less because there isn’t any game breaking problems of bugs into it

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I don’t know what those things mean.

You must now be trolling if you don’t recognize any of those and have 2300+ posts…

I feel the same way about you arguing against an opinion. Also not everyone cares about the same things as you. I don’t pay attention to other people that play this game. Why would I recognize this stuff?

I actually play the game unlike some people who are level 70. :sweat_smile:

I have seven accounts and have played since Moira came out… I play on average 2-4 hours daily. My time on Mei alone on my first account is like 450+ hours…

9/10 when had updates until 2019
7.5/10 when I started in 2017.
7/10 now

I havent played in 8 months, nothing happens, OWL is a joke, and the heroes I want changed to be more fun never get touched, then basically nothing happened, and I got even more bored and lost even more hope that the game will be fun again. I come back here to see if there is anything going on, and it just the same ol same ol from over a year and a half ago, BORING.

As of now, 3/10, Blizzard is neglecting this game very badly, and what they actually do with it, is very meh or bad.

Heres to OW2 answering all of my problems and wishes

I find it funny that the TF2 characters (especially medic) are incredibly more viable than the OW ones, imagine if Torb turrets actually did something, or Mercy had an ultimate that was actually good and balanced as Uber, not even close!

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The game itself in general: 8/10

The current state: 2/10

Gameplay: 6/10
Content: 1/10
Dev updates: 3/10
Community: 5/10
Balance: 4.5/10

overall 1.2/10 c:

Giving numerical values is weird for me. Its still the best PvP game out there by far, Ive tried others but nothing comes even close. If this is the best game of its kind for me, then I guess its a ten and everything else is below that. I think people are afraid to give ten because they think its stating perfection but there is no such thing, nothing is ever perfect. What matters for ME, is which game is the best and OW is still king in their category.

6/10. Hero balancing is what blizzard has been struggling on for years. Still a clean first person shooter game tho but in terms of actually playing the game it’s not really anything special

Thats why they say engies and medics win games.

So like I am for gaining inspiration from other things, but only when they do them justice.