Rate overwatch right now

4/10. If you dont like ranked the matchmaking is complete garbage so casual players just become cannon fodder for high ranks and people with hundreds of hours of playtime.

The characters are fun in a vacuum but put together, adding in other players, and adding in Blizzards magical MMR that keeps saying me in silver should be playing arcade games with diamond+ players, it all goes to hell.

Single Player OW plz Blizzard stop trying to do matchmaking


9/10. First game I ever bought and still play it now setting myself goals like completing all achievements (finished), getting all event and non event skins (finished) and reaching the maximum diamond border (1000 levels away). Its gonna go up to 10/10 once we get a new animated short or useful OW2 news (I only see release window/date as useful news)

To be fair I’d split it in categories.

  • gameplay 9/10 - matches can be fun and dynamic

  • hero design 9/10 - lots of variety and play styles

  • balance - 2/10 - solely because of smurfing/alt accounts are stomping most of the playerbase beneath them and the only people who don’t complain about this are smurfs themselves or high elo players. this is a huge part killing the game

  • playerbase 3/10 - some incredibly toxic people

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most days (like today) I genuinely enjoy myself most of the time I’m playing. i love the art style, the characters, the polish, the varied gameplay, all of it. i’d rate it a 10/10

other days I get tilted and lose every match. 3/10

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I would give overwatch an 8.

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Still 10/10 for me. Gameplay is top notch, bugs and server issues are almost nonexistent on console, there’s no one overpowered gun/hero/comp you can crutch on like in every other FPS. And I love the teamwork angle, competitive integrity (no dumb challenges or things that incentivize anything but winning), and the fact that you can’t realistically get carried. All good things. Am much excited for OW2.

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2 out of 10. This thing doesnt deserve a 5. There’s way too many issues that Blizzard refuses to fix, and all the focus on OW2 makes things worse.


Hmmm… On one hand the last couple of experimental cards were really good. On the other hand Overwatch 2 sounds terrible in term of balancing and overall direction not to mention they only started fixing what they ruined for a very long time.

I would say… 3/10?
The concept of the game is amazing, most dps were balanced wonderfully but they have no idea what they are doing with some support and most tanks…
The game lack so many concept it desperately needs and the devs still don’t communicate or try to explain themselves.

It got 3 for the concept and last experimental cards but lost so much because of balancing and lack of heroes…
I tried moving to paladins but the ttk is too high there and the game feels too self reliant and not around team play enough…

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3/10 not fun, no content, bad balancing, McCree, Hitscan, Aoe heals, Brig.

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a few days ago a 7 or 8
right now a 5
only because for the past few days I have been grinding open q for top500 and its really really annoying and ive dropped 200 sr for it

It has it’s moments, but with no new heroes, horrible game balance, and being ran by a soulless cooperation, I’d rate it a 3/10.


2/10 the Esports balance philosophy has destroyed all uniqueness and Blizzards incessant reliance on making it a team game just end up not feeling good.



Tough, but fair.

I agree with this assessment.

10/10 for me. All my mains feel pretty good rn and balance overall is nice. Too bad I’ve been really busy and have almost no time to play :sob: . I bet by the time I can play everyday we’ll be in some dumb double sniper meta :man_shrugging:

1/10. For this, as well as numerous other reasons listed.

No content outside of skins (no proper lore updates, no maps, no heroes, no new/updated events), balancing is trash where tanking is miserable and half the DPS roster is worthless, competitive is a garbage fire with the smurfing problem, crossplay deteriorated match quality, population tanked leading to even non-comp matches being miserable (I had seven losses in a row in Arcade yesterday because of people deciding to be tryhards like they’re getting paid for it), this list could go on.

Only thing that keeps it off a 0 is my love for the characters and that’s mostly Lucio and Symm and Hanzo as always.


In General
General Game: 7/10
General Player Base: 2/10
General Forum: 0.5/10

Game Aspect Score
Game Characters: 5/10
Game Modes: 8.5/10
Game Maps: 5/10
Game Workshop: 6.5/10

Community Aspect Score
Community Behavior: 1/10
Community Welcoming: 1.5/10
Community Experiences: 2.5/10
Community Age Range: 2/10

Forum Aspect Score
Forum topic diversity: 0/10
Forum community sense: 3/10
Forum toxicity control: 2/10
Forum moderation methods: 1/10

Overall Conclusion

  1. Game could use a better range of characters and characters shouldn’t be nerfed as much as they have been.

  2. Community has to be less toxic and moderators need to be harsher with dealing punishments to people who exist only to disturb the peace.

  3. Forums need to stop copycatting and like/view fishing and give better written out and more diverse topics to take part in.

If I could change one thing overnight about Overwatch it would be:
The community’s behavior and tolerance of others. I am not a fan of how many toxic people are actually in this community and think it could benefit greatly from a less toxic environment.

The game is still fun to play.
But it needs content desperately

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A distraction while i wait for far better games to come out. No more no less./10