Rate Overwatch as of Right Now

A solid 4/10

Arcade and Archives are perhaps my only main draws in the game right now. Arcade is fun since you get to make your own rules or play game modes where you don’t have to be yelled at by manchildren into playing heroes/roles that you don’t want to play. QP is meh, and bearable with LFG - the endorsement system helps as well. Comp is predictably terrible and not worth playing unless it’s to get some golden weapons.

I haven’t played in over a month, but what I’ve played, it depends on the mode. Overall I have a tolerance level towards matchmaking, and generally stop playing after an unavoidable chain of losses. Custom games have been nice however.

I like how the latest patches are an improvement overall, despite turning out to be nerfs for a few heroes… I think it’s a start but in order to get me back into the game, more improvements will have to be made (I guess we’ll see once they work on Mercy)

Revert Mercy to have Mass Rez + Tweaks. Add a permanent PvE / Story mode. Open Q&A to the public and not just pro players / twitch streamers. Include a subcategory on the forums for every hero. Increase their PR staff and customer service reps. Invest more time into fleshing out the game itself, rather than prioritizing OWL. Have individual ranks for each hero you play, instead of one rank overall (one can be bronze widow main but also diamond junkrat main for example), and is matched accordingly according to the heroes they prefer. etc.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.