Ranty rant rant time

I’m always going in with a positive mindset always but again, another person not in team chat costing the game because they dont hear anything we say and they stand there writing in chat afk get killed enemy teams changing heros but not our team aww yeah, im in plat 2 my friend is plat 5 but they get diamond players and we get the silver lucio player? COME ON!! I cant wait for next session. You can see the difference btw in diamond and plat. Plat in OCE is just the same 30 people constantly banned

I don’t care if my q time is 3-6 min longer now Its worth the wait to have somewhat a fair game and dont get me started on the cheaters like do something!!! 50k isnt that many when Overwatch 2 currently averages 2,124,797 players a day right. and then they just buy an account of a website that has a linked phone number and go again!! PEOPLE ONLY REPORT OUT OF TOXICNESS THIS GAME HAS A LOOP HOLE AND I PRAY THAT NEXT SEASON ITS BETTER I DONT CARE IF MY Q TIME IS LONGER AS LONG AS ITS DAMN BALANCED

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You sound like one of the 1,000,000 reasons I have not only voice chat disabled, but text chat as well.

Use pings.

The game gives you all the feedback you need to know what’s going on.

pings dont help. You diff yourself and the team and lower the chances of winning and it is more or less game play sabotage

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Pings are a good compliment to voice communication but in no way, shape or form do they replace voice communication.

You need both in order to work best as a team.

If you’re not in voice comms with your team and you’re playing Competitive then you’re basically throwing.

They dont work as effective as communication. Pings are an extra to HELP not to substitute entire communication

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Nah this is such a lie. Our Sig had Ult in a game last night. I said “bait the hook before you flux”. what did he do? Fluxed and got hooked immediately. What do you know? He was not in vc Lol. Before you say ‘bronze gameplay’, this was a Diamond game…

In many situations vc is so much more useful than anything the comm wheel or pings can provide.

I have won games that would be have been a probable if not definite loss just because people were in vc and communicating well.

Things like reminding team mates to save ults for overtime, calling out that enemies have their ults, asking team mates to save cooldowns for a specific play, etc etc.

You are fully entitled to blocking comms, but don’t insinuate that they aren’t advantageous.

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So…this Tuesday, you’re gonna be seeing a lot less “diffs”

Since they are changing the matchmaking code, to equal skill per Role

Not equal averaged skill per team

Stuff like Tank Diff, was very real

Tell that to my winrate, which has only gone up and stayed up since leaving all chats. I have eyes and ears, I can see what my team is doing and what the enemy is doing. I don’t need some dingbat in the same rank as me thinking he’s better than I am talking over the in-game sounds so I miss footsteps, voice lines, and other important sounds.

Only if you don’t use them.

Why would anybody need to be told that? He didn’t neglect to bait the hook because he wasn’t in voice. He neglected to bait the hook because he’s bad or didn’t think to bait the hook. Nobody needs to tell me to bait Hog’s hook, I know it should be done. I’m plat and I’ve been baiting the hook since silver, come on now.

No. It’s not. It’s a detriment to people like me who need to hear game sounds for awareness. There is nothing you can tell me in voice that I can’t hear or see happening through the game itself.

No, you haven’t.

All of which they shouldn’t need to be told to know to do. Everyone should be ult tracking. Everyone should be paying attention to the game timer. Everyone should be paying attention to what they can coordinate with their teammates. You don’t need to be in voice for that.

I would say that if you are in a coordinated group that plays together for multiple games, they would be advantageous. If you are me and you are solo queueing, it is far better to NOT be in voice chat over being subjected to some idiot Reinhardt screaming WOOOO WOOOO WOOOO WOOOO WOOO WOOOO WOOOO WOOOO WOOO WOOO WOOOO WOOO WOOOO WOOOO WOOO every single time he swings his hammer (this was the event that made me leave voice forever).

Just going to leave this here one more time:

Well clearly the fact that he didn’t bait the hook indicates that he needed to be told to do so…

Quick question, if you know exactly what is happening all the time and everywhere in game then why are you Plat? Other players have perspectives that you don’t, and they can be of help. If you think this is false then you have some weird superiority complex.

You don’t know that and I do XD You don’t win an argument by saying “no because I said so” lol. You have to provide logical and sound reasoning.

The operative word is should. If everyone was doing what they SHOULD be doing then everyone would be playing at a GM level. The reason people are in the ranks they are and the reason you are in the rank you are is because there are things you SHOULD be doing that you don’t do. Come on man it’s logic.

I wholeheartedly feel that he opposite is true. The people that I have been playing with for years, I can 100% play with without voice comms because we are familiar with one another’s playstyles and we are on the same page.

This is false. You and I have no idea what the other person’s playstyle is or what we are thinking. This is how you lose games. The overwhelming majority of high level players agree that good comms increase your chances of winning, even in lower ranks.

Good job linking a 5 year old video in an era of the game where communication is more important than ever with how fast paced the game currently is. XD

Again, you have to provide reasoning as to why your argument is correct. You can’t just say “it’s true because I said so”.

People refusing to join voice really isn’t why you’re plat.

Because I’m 45, and I have arthritis with 60 percent function deterioration in my right hand. Not everyone is where they are because they suck or are mediocre. My brain moves a lot faster than my hands nowadays.

See above.

Again my winrate begs to differ. I didn’t start climbing until I left voice chat. I was stuck in bronze for three years. I left voice chat and immediately started climbing.

If you actually bothered to watch it you’d see every point made is still salient now.

I literally linked the video that explains all my reasoning as well as explaining that I need to hear in game sounds and not people talking.

My. I. I. I. I. I.

You do realise you’re playing a team game, right?

You do realise that, in order to win, you need to work together as a team.

You do realise that, in order to work together as a team, you need to coordinate.

You do realise that, in order to effectively coordinate you need communication.

Selfish people like you are just further proof that voice comms needs to be enabled by default in Competitive.

That’s unfortunate. Having severe arthritis at such a relatively young age must be unpleasant.

You did however miss my point. It is not possible to know everything, everywhere all of the time. Regardless, a player ‘that knows everything’ could easily get to masters even with limited motor function.

This is entirely placebo. You started climbing because you started playing better. Something which can easily be done while still in vc. VC doesn’t magically make you play worse. If vc is to loud and you can’t hear in game audio then your sound setting are way off and you need to mix the audio correctly.

I watched the video years ago. I have had extended periods of time where vc was broken and it was supremely frustrating when a simple callout would have made a big difference in the outcome of teamfights.

Chatmix exists for this reason. You can make chat quiet and in game sounds louder. The only people making this excuse are people that don’t know any better.

I guarantee you.

If you make 2 teams of randoms all at the same skill level. Give 1 team vc/discord and disable it for the other team, there will be a very real correlation between comming and winning.

I do not entirely disagree with you, but I also feel you are overlooking the subjective nature of this entire debate. The reality is the callouts you are alluding to are quite rare relative to infectious toxicity that causes entire teams to throw the game. I would argue, realistically, it is better if nobody was in chat because the toxic rats would be less likely to say anything without an audience which de facto forces them to focus on the game faster than getting distracted with an argument would. And nobody else would even realize that a degenerate clown was speaking when not in voice.

Sure, I have won a few games that we would have lost if communication was not present. But I have lost countless games because our team sank into despair.

There used to be an LFG where you could require mics.

How can Aaron not think LFG is a hard gate.
It’s a redflag in gamedev not to have LFG when it was always there.

I mean it’s a somewhat sound idea until you realize that this would only work if vc was disabled entirely and no one could use it. If there is a toxic crazy you can almost always be certain that there will be someone feeding the fire.

Whether you are in vc or not makes no difference as to whether the toxic person gets their way. And if that doesn’t work they can just resort to throwing for attention. Toxic people should be dealt with accordingly rather than removing features from the game to accommodate for them.

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