Ranks don’t really feel like “ranks”

Listen Ive played every rank between bronze to diamond and I have to say probably since season 11ish(?) ranks have not felt any different. I know some people are gonna disagree but I truly believe rank doesn’t mean much in this game. I can be in a gold game and it’ll play about the same as my diamond games on my main. I do play on PS4 so idk if that makes a difference. Maybe smurfing and alts have actually completely ruined ranked. But regardless the game truly doesn’t get any better the higher you rank.


Yeah its the game dieng


i notice a significant difference between 2300 and 2700


With the number of smurfs playing anywhere they choose, the ranks have become arbitrary. The ranks aren’t divided by skills any longer.

The worst is that it can be nearly impossible to tell if someone’s actually smurfing or if they are genuinely trying to get back to their ranks.


Smurfs ruined the ranks, and also the matchmaking. You can’t really rank up any more, because of how they try to create an “even match” and there’s always a smurf to balance you out on the other team. So, even improving at the game doesn’t really matter any more. There’s always a smurf IN your rank to balance the teams out. The ranks are screwed, and so is OW.


The 50 50 match maker makes the game about smurfs playing smurfs its not about your sr it doesnt mean anything.

Ranked is the biggest joke


Yeah, it feels like it doesn’t really matter what how you play any more. Sit and do nothing, still win half your games due to the matchmaker trying to be nice to everyone. Or try your butt off and get the same result.

Really makes the entire ranked system pointless over time.


The game is about what the matchmaker thinks of you not your sr


It was the Humble Bundle sale in September. It changed the game forever. I think an enormous amount of alt accounts were bought with the intention of wrecking Overwatch in some way – boosting, cheating, griefing. Now the permanent price is $20, which is low enough for these practices to continue.

The sr rank truly means very little. Its a number the matchmaker uses to try and create a balanced game between 12 similarly skilled gamers.

The problem with that is not everyone is playing to win or contributing enough on a team to win.

Since you only win sr if your entire team wins the toxcicity becomes rampant toward each other and it get worse game after game. People rage throw, griefers and all sorts of crap that you cant control to deduce your sr.

That being said…

Overbuff ranks can be taken with a grain of salt… but i very much enjoy watching where i am on their per hero leader boards.

Right now on XBL i have 2 soldier76 alts both in top 15 and to me that is way more enjoyable for me to worry about then my in-game sr.

By comparing stats to top players i can watch real world comparisons between me and other soldiers on same platform.

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To be honest, I think the 50/50 rule is pretty bad in Overwatch’s case. Basically I think it goes, “Oh [player_name], lost too much today. Let’s just give him easier games to balance this out.” After you get too many wins, it goes “Oh [player_name] won too many today. Let’s give him harder games to balance that out.” I think I just derived tilting and climbing.

As for the SR system, you might as roll a D50 on how much you win and lose SR.

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They aren’t, really. More it’s a matchmaker system, and they put some book ends around certain numbers.

ROFL if you think this game isnt smurf infestes it is…


Considering how many smurfs are in PC games I don’t even want to think about the hell that is console.


Ps4 games are hilarious.

Often you will get a smurf on your team, RAGING in teamchat that they can’t beat the enemy smurfs and how unfair it is. Because of course, they created the account to bully other players, but they are being bullied instead.

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On xbox you can make an alt free in 30 seconds. There is nothing but alts on all game modes.

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I’ve been from bronze to diamond. Its all bs. Too many alt/smurf accounts.


As a PS4 player myself, just having a smurf account on any console is tears laughing hilarious! NOBODY cares about you if you are on console, including Blizzard. So having a higher ranked account is pointless.

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It is because solo exists, the only difference up is you might get some coms and better mechanical skill.

SR is worthless unless they force the use of the group up feature

What a beautiful, honest, and true discussion on ranked thus far without the usual white knights ruining the thread. Ranked is truly a joke. The only way to play is:

  1. Pick what you want to play regardless of team comp.
  2. Don’t join VC.
  3. Play hard for the first minute to gauge how the game is going to go, if you are going to be stomped, just throw or soft-throw and practice on a hero you don’t play often.
  4. If the matchmaker starts giving you free wins, make sure to go the extra mile in humiliating the opposition. Spawn camp them, t-bag them, solo ult 1 of them repeatedly. Just punctuate how terrible the matchmaking is by playing at 200% on your best hero and get 80 plus elims when the game puts you on the steamroll team. Do everything you can to tilt the poor players who got queued into a steamroll.
  5. Believe in yourself and accept how stupid the matchmaking is. Don’t listen to high-ranked players, white knights, Blizz apologists or even Blizz themselves. Anyone who has played this game long enough and is not a tool knows rank means nothing in this game. You will stomp on diamonds, get stomped by silvers, go like 20 games in a row with all the leavers and worst players all on your team. Smurfs, boosters, derankers, trolls, etc. etc. are all over the place and there is only like a 10% chance of getting a fair game. This 10% is why we’re all here addicted and depressed because we know how enjoyable this game could be if they just fixed matchmaking but instead we’re left chasing that one close, fun, fair match which only happens 1/10th of the time.