Ranking system bugs

There appears to be a bigger issue with the ranking system currently.

  • Multiple accounts of inability to rank up with a >50% winrate
  • Multiple accounts of ranking up with a <50% winrate
  • Multiple accounts of people ranking up several ranks with no change in skill (the system has some fundamental issue currently which was not present in Overwatch 1)

I have seen this reported on Reddit e.g. and I’ve also seen it in game.

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I’ve won 10 straight games and never moved past bronze 4. It’s a bug and they could not care less about fixing it


I have been consistently winning the past few days, with maybe losing 2-3 games max, and I cannot get past Gold 4. It keeps ranking me there. I reached Plat 3 as the highest this season and once I lost just a couple of games it took me all the way down to Gold 3. Then straight to Gold 4 and I’ve been stuck there no matter what I do. This is all on support btw. It’s reached a point where my friends and I are making jokes about my account being cursed, but I don’t think it’s a joke anymore lol. It’s ridiculous.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.