Ranking is broken as *****

How is it that i have been playing OW2 for 6 months. Do best as a support in 8/10 games and I’m still bronze 5?
What the actual eff am i supposed to do? Sometimes i rank up to bronze 2, I’m still the best support 8/10 times. Then bam, down to bronze 5 again. Am I really like the worst of the worst as a support? Do i really need to be placed with an Ana that has 600 heals by the end of the round while i Have 4000?

I’m ngl if this was OW1 i’d call you trash but OW2 ranking is terrible.

I get ranked from ranks im not even in:

E.G. Im diamond 2. My promotion said I was plat I and then ‘promoted’ to diamond 2… so i went no where…

I’ve also won 10 games in a row and deranked, despite having 3-4 average deaths per game on support (some games I get 0 deaths)

Also I recently made a sombra only account and i’ll be 2v1ing or sometimes occupying 3 people at their spawn and the rest of my team will lose 3v4 or 2v4 when the enemy team is down both supports or something.

Well, as i said. I’m not trash. I am top ranked 8/10 games.

But it seems you have the same problem. Is this ELO hell?