Ranking every hero skill requirements

Your right support is the easiest role non of them are S Tier lmao

Depends on what you think is “easy”

I find ana easier to play then zen or Brig but anyway.

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If the hardest support can’t be S Tier than something is obviously wrong lol

I find Ana easier to play then brig or zen and debatable baptiste.

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As a Brig main Ana definitely isn’t easier lmao. Zen you just spam shots and get peeled for and if you don’t get peel just play super far back. Bap definitely isn’t easier. I can just go with what you say and put no support in S :woman_shrugging:

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If you think she is hard good for you then in my opinion she ins’t but w/e i guess.

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Ana and Mercy are the lowest in skill floor but definitely the hardest in skill ceiling.

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I would agree if her abilities didn’t had such a huge range and hitbox.

Moira is probably the lowest in skill floor lol.

That effects the skill floor not ceiling lol

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I don’t know man… I play Mei, Ashe, Tracer, Reaper, and Junkrat. And Mei is up with Tracer IMO.

Mei is in fact super high skill when you consider that she is the only character that can not only feed, but actively hurt her own team.

An underskilled soldier for example won’t hit shots and will feed. An underskilled Mei will block your ult by mistake.


I mean the reason for Mercy to be the lowest is that she has a constant healing value with a lock while Moira has a changing value of healing with spray and resource management. And you can just spam shots and abilities with Ana. Moira is (slightly) harder

You have people who do it on purpose to ‘troll’ or people doing it by accidently because they panicked.

That second one totally happens. The first I don’t count as being ‘unskilled’ because throwing will crash a game no matter who you’re playing. I mean for players playing poorly or having a major error because of player limitations. Things that can apply at any rank.

Reading this thread kills so many braincells

Genji S tier? Sure. Farm ult, press Q, get nano’d, get 4-6 kills cause reset on dash from assists. And that’s not mentioning three types of mobility.


my response prolly had more effort than you playing those characters before making the list lmfao

Mei should be S tier. Shes easy to play, but to be really effective with her and master her wall intricacies is probably one of the toughest DPS skills in the game, imo.

Isn’t it the same for most ranks?


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Need to be more clear here about what do you rank…

  • Floor or ceiling? (Lucio for example has very low floor but high ceiling while someone like Mccree has high floor but lower ceiling in term of aim for example)
  • What kinds of skill? (awareness? aim? positioning? cool down management?)
  • Skill requirement of potential? (For example Bastion has a higher requirement overall due to how punishing its kit is but lower skill potential than Ashe for example that needs in theory more aim but can be fine with even less a lot of times)
  • Are all skills equal? (is aim the same as positioning?)

Without any explanation this ranking is just the same as putting any hero at a random spot.

noob question

why is it S followed by A B C D ect

Why does Ana always get such overblown assessments for skill? I love(d) playing Ana and I personally found her FAR easier than Bap. Unlike Bap she can heal with high precision from far away for she has hitscan abilities on a scope compared to Bap’s more unreliable projectiles (try healing any flying hero as him). Also her grenade is easy to land, has multiple purposes, and you can use her Ult without aiming or any requirements considering positioning really. Then she also has the (potentially) strongest CC in the game.