Ranked is literally unplayable

  1. New account placements.

Bronze skill? Bung him in at 2200. GM skill? Bung him in at 2600.
Everybody that’s not in OWL is trash anyway, so who cares about how utterly random skill levels at any lower SR are? It’s only 60% of the player base.

That’s true, new placements are effectively boosted accounts. They’re not a huge problem, though, because they sink very quickly. If someone places far above their “real” SR, you’re only going to see them in one game on their journey south.

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The vast majority of LFGs are role enforced.

I have eyes. Do you?

It’s not hard to look down the column and see that the roles are enforced for those parties.

And 5 minutes is a ton of time to waste looking for parties. Even if we average it out to 4 minutes per party, if your parties don’t stay together, you can be wasting ours of your day “Waiting for Players.”

And that’s ignoring the “Looking for Match” time after you’ve found them.

You’re wasting hours of your day not playing the game at all.

That’s not fun, and you’re completely wrong about Role Locking. Easily 80% of parties in LFG are locking roles.

If you don’t lock roles in groups that YOU create, that’s simply you not locking them. But you’re in the vast minority.

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I honestly liked your response a lot and you have some interesting points. You highlight some possible issues with a role queue that could be really hard to overcome.

1- I think roles should be enforced or at least the system should punish people for abusing the system otherwise it will simple not work as you mentioned people will just queue as dps to get faster queue times, thus making the system even worse than what we have now.

2- I would prefer waiting 5-10 minutes for better quality games, assuming we would get better games than now. That is not the main reason people don’t use lfg it’s more the fact that everyone leaves after a game or for other people it’s that you can’t see everyone’s profile (every 6 stacks i met required public profiles)

3- That would actually be great. People SHOULD specialize. By that I don’t mean to say everyone should be a 1 trick pony. Not at all. But you should focus on a role (dmg/tank/support). Every high ranked player does this from a reason and I think we have a lot to learn from them. You should master your role though. People should be able to play main tank as well as off tank or if they focus on healing they should be able to play both main and off healers but there is no reason for them to mix playing dps and tanks or support and dps or whatever. Flexing too much across roles makes you a jack of all trades master of none.

What I really liked a lot about your post and I hope this gets more attention is that 6 stacks should be able to play against solo queuers and/or small 2-3 stacks. That should encourage people to play as a team and I think it could be an interesting and good alternative to role queue or maybe some combination of both ?

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Then create your own groups? My groups fill fast, and I’m not in gold. If we drop someone, it takes a couple of minutes

I don’t play or care enough, anymore, to go through the trouble.

The game has community issues outside of that, which you have to deal with, as well. I don’t have the patience for those people anymore. In any case, my post was related specifically to role queue and how dead it is. I’m sure everyone can create their own groups, and it would look as busy as Paris… but that’s not what’s happening.

And I’m not going to do it just because you want me to, because your argument was fail in all other aspects and you’re looking for a fallback.

I’ve only been doing Solo Q Quick Play for the past 2 months or so. I do placements, and nothing else.

I don’t want you to do anything other than stop complaining if you won’t take steps yourself. If you want to have good team mates, don’t solo queue in comp, plain and simple. LFG works if you take a minute rather than just join random groups. If you join a random group and don’t talk with these people, you’ll get the same quality as you would solo queing, just with longer que times

You’re unplayable! Ha. Take that


Yeah I agree that the newbies shouldn’t be put at 2200, that’s blizzard just being dumb about competitive. I’m not sure who’s leading the competitive team, but that person is clueless about skill variance and skill evolution. It good when you start a new system, but after the initial start or even 1 year, those calculations should have been changed.

Diamond and below is 96% of the player base… Thought I’d remind ya

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I’m not saying constantly flex to a team, I’m saying there’s no need to go into a game with an attitude of “i’m playing whatever i want f everyone else.”

Also, I really doubt you’d play 105 hours on characters you absolutely detested. If you did, wouldn’t you rather just not play the game? A lot of people start out learning the game with healers, nothing to be ashamed about.

I’m not complaining.

I’m confirming.

You just want to be contrarian. Good luck with that.

We all feel that way when our lives revolve around sitting in front of the computer screen. When free time is more scarce, you start the feel the hurt of all that wasted time.

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No, I want people to make claims of issues when they are an issue and not just a problem with the end user

Just had 3 back to back games in comp with people throwing games with just staying in spawn and emoting all game and 1 aimbotting widow on the other team. Until blizzard does something I’ll be staying in quick play even if they are holding golden gun skins hostage with comp mode.
At least the games are fun in there, every game in comp is terrible.

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Are you having luck in quick play? I’m seeing a lot of the same stuff with leavers/trolls/throwers.

ROLE LOCK is comiiiiing, just wait, it might fix most of ranked problemssss

yeah a lot has changed since i made this post. The game was in a very bad state back then but now there are a lot of positive changes coming to the game i’m very excited about role queue and sigma it’s like a completely new game

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Yep I agree

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


ofc is unplayable, you just cant develop a game with 1/3 of hero pool absolutely braindead and pair them to skilled and brainstorming heroes. Since the game was released no one got the balls to sustain evidences about forrest gump being able to hit gm with moira mercy and brigitte. Now you think 2-2-2 can save 3 years of stacked issues? OMEGALUL.
Before quitting the competitive at 3700 i remember the best way to rank up was understanding team weakness and switchin to a specific hero to balance the team. Now If you q as dps and tanks are insanely bad you are already half f----d up cuz you cant add 3rd tank to balance the weakness, if you q as tank and dps got less aim than an average brigitte main, you cant go dps to balance that weakness…
Also, if you team can’t or simply dont want to counter pick someone that is carrying enemy team, then you’re ENTIRELY F------D UP. Be prepared cuz 2-2-2 won’t fix the competitive problem.

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