Rankdown every time?

Hello, I have a quick question, I was platinum 4 and after 5 wins the game tells me I was ranked up from gold 4 to gold 1. That happened to me before with the rank. I’m down from platinum 2 to gold 1 now. Is that normal? Because I actually always have a good win/loss rate and mostly play consistently with my duo/trio.

Visual bug.

The game wants to show you progression not digression.

This is a visual bug. When you derank it always shows it as a rank up. It should have shown plat 4 to gold1 but as you saw it shows gold 4 to gold 1. Report it in the bug forum as they don’t seem to have identified this bug after 3 seasons.

no the same thing kept happening to me. its only silver but it kept demoting me after each 5 wins and even if i had a win streak and/or top stats it just demoted me tier by tier till bronze.

and bc theres always some smart ahh im support and most of my losses are leavers whether we have lead or not

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Now my duo got demoted from Gold 1 > Silver 5. I don’t think it’s just a visual bug.

I’m guessing you’re quite new to Overwatch? As someone who has suffered this game for half a decade, my advice is to quit now while you still can.

No it isn’t just a visual bug. These forums are filled with people experiencing this massive D rank problem. It’s happened to me multiple times and I was one of the first people to report it weeks ago and Blizzard hasn’t even addressed it. I’m very close to quitting this game for good. Just one nonsense issue after another.


I mean sure, the actual act of deranking is happening but what the “visual bug” is, is how it is displayed to you.

I dont think we are saying you aren’t deranking, a lot of people are, but showing you it “go up” from 5 divisions lower to your new low is the “bug” that i feel is intended.


To Hoolagun: Yea sry I misunderstood that. Ur right :).

To BlueBeam: I was level „657“ in Overwatch 1 :sweat_smile: