I was Diamond 4 as a supporter in season 2, but as season 3 came along, I not only received the wrong amount of competitive points, I also never received a Diamond Challenger title. This is extremely frustrating because it was something I was looking forward to, only for it not to happen. Is this some sort of bug? Also, why aren’t my previous seasons 1 and 2 ranks displayed? I’m just utterly confused by all this.
Did you win at least 25 comp matches? You need 25 to get the title
Same for me too. I finished at rank 147 for competitive CTF this season but, I only received the player title for it and I’m missing my Top 500 icon. Not only that, but the career profile stats also removed the proof of me hitting Top 500 in open queue in Season 36 as well. Please respond to this thread with your own issues and create your own posts so that I can add them to the list and hopefully we can get these issues resolved. We need to make our voices heard and make the devs give us the rewards we earned.
I hit grandmaster in DPS and then at the end of the season I got the master challenger title and I didn’t get the ranked credits accordingly. Do these things actually get fixed or am I SOL? This was my first season playing comp coming from apex and this is how I get rewarded. I grinded way to hard to get to GM and practiced endlessly on my aim just to get mud rubbed in my face. I have screenshots of both me being in GM and me having the master challenger banner.
Same for me, I was diamond 5 with over 100 won games in season 2 but when the season 3 started I only recieved 500 points as if I was platinum, and I also never received any title, not even the platinum challenger