Rank is broken and placements

Rank works similar to ow1, win more than you lose you’ll most likely rank up consistently, like for instance I’m 27-23 right now total w/l, I’ve gone from silver 3 to gold 4 with another win I’ll get a new adjustment

you’re not understanding what im saying i should’ve for a fact ranked up 3 times but am still stuck at bronze 5


Usually that means the teams/players you’re playing against are significantly worse than your team/players, so your SR gains are negligible. The matchmaker has determined that your team should easily win the match and therefore since you aren’t actually beating players who are at your level or better than you, the system won’t climb you as fast.

im at bronze 5 you cant get no lower than that lol says 7 wins or 20 losses for going up in tiers/divisions don’t know why a hidden SR/MMR would make a difference they said they were no longer using that system anymore no? and with what you just said means I have too win way more games to climb because I got placed where I shouldn’t be


I’m having the same problem as CrazedGamer. I got placed in bronze 5, I won 7 matches, got placed in bronze 5, won 7 more matches, got placed in bronze 5 again. I have been playing with my friend and he has been ranking up and we’ve been in the same games. He went from Bronze 2 to silver 5 to silver 3. I went from bronze 5 to bronze 5 to bronze 5. We don’t know why I’m not ranking up and hes soon going to out rank me and then we cant play together, even though we’ve been playing the same games and won and loss the same matches


i hope it gets fixed im solo and have to play like I’m in a pro league most games to carry my team because I’m stuck in bronze 5 most people don’t even hit their ability or use them, have no games sense, a lot of healers don’t know what they are doing and loads of disconnects some might be because of the servers/crashes but i know a lot were not R.I.P STATS

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This is what the forums wanted. A soft MMR reset. They said people were camping ranks so wanted high ranked players brought down. We got what we wanted.


yeah i know what they did read the other posts lol also they said they are no long using that system anymore after the merge

Something is definitely wrong with how we’re getting placed.
I played for over 6 hours today with a group of friends, we all started out as bronze. I played support role 100% of the time.
We won almost every single match, like 90% ish win rate. My ENTIRE TEAM is ranking up to silver and gold and now i can’t even play with half my team because every time I get “ranked up” I get put in bronze 5 every single time.
HOW exactly is it possible that my team has a 90% win rate and THEY ALL rank up except me for 6+ hours and I constantly get put in bronze 5…something is very very wrong here.


Welcome to the grind, if you pay for the battle pass you can rank up faster :wink:

Initial placements put you lower than you were in OW1 by design - a soft reset. If you are still there after a several 7-win rank adjustments - guess what?

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its not even a grind anymore if I cant rank up when I’m supposed to.
happened to me like 4 times and more on other roles and to be clear I am still in Bronze 5 when I should be like silver 4-3 by now haven’t ranked up 1 time
i really wish people would read the other post I know what people are talking about they literally said they are no longer gonna use the SR/MMR system after the merge its 7 wins or 20 losses for going up or down in tiers/divisions its not based on SR/MMR
I could go get more of the other highlights of when I should’ve ranked up but I’m not going through 40h of footage I’ve already been robbed of too much of my time


There are so many players who are stuck at Bronze 5, it’s a bug for sure.

Right now Bronze 5 is filled with Platinum, Diamond and even Master level players.


I used to be in gold back in OW1 (~2113SR). In OW2, I got placed in bronze 2 and I lost more games than I won because of unreliable teammates like leavers. But for some reason, despite the <50% winrate, the game was making me climb higher.

I’ve already climbed to gold 4 within just a day or two of playing ranked. Even though the game puts you in a lower rank initially, getting back to your previous elo doesn’t seem to be that hard. At least from my experience. Maybe I just got lucky.

EDIT: OP, it seems like your account is new. New account means less hours on a hero, and less hours on a hero means less concrete stats. Maybe you just need to farm more stats so that you get a more definitive MMR of where the game thinks you belong.

I have concrete stats on heros and not a new account. This is a bug, it has not much to do with new accounts or your hero stats because it’s happening to people who are level 500+


I’m trapped in the same loop, I kept winning but it didn’t work.

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The forums wanted an sr reset and got it.

How exactly do you expect to rank up when masters players are placing in gold/plat? Diamonds in silver/gold, etc. Your mmr wont be anywhere near high enough for the system to consider putting you in those ranks because of the players currently in them. At least until the OW1 high ranked players climb that is.

We tried to warn everyone that a reset would cause problems but :man_shrugging:

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same i played with a friend and literally carried/boosted them. better stats etc. i dominated the lobbies nothing but wins. bronze 5 to bronze5 to bronze5 but they’re gold5 now. we can’t play together anymore and their lobbies may as well be free with afk bots.

is it really that rigged ?

meanwhile i watch flats play like a garden vegetable and place masters1


I think you dont undrstand how mmr reset work, even master+ got mmr reset so there is no big range of mmr then, even if the gold player is going to be put in bronze he should be able to climb but there is a bug atm where people get stuck in bronze 5 even with 60-70% win

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I got placed bronz 4 even though I was gold/ plat in season 35, the game tracks no stats on my heros. The 65k Healing weekly challenge gets frequently reset. IMO I obliterated and carried a lot as a tank 10k dmg/ 15k mit on average. Feels discouraging. Now that I’m bronz 4 every match is easy. Keep you updated if I level up.

EDIT: Been playing the whole day, DEATH DEALER CHALLENGE ist still 0/100 eliminations.