Rank cant change after losing 15 games

I lost 15 games and went down a tier.
Changed teams and began winning games. 5 games in a row, out-healing everyone else and having a high game impact with no rank up.
5 times in a row. 5 times I have reranked into gold 5.
I am unable to leave gold 2.
Every player I have been playing with has ranked up at least once. Our tank has gone from gold 2 to plat 1. We play the same games. I haven’t gone up or down after losing 15 games.
I peaked plat 1 last season and the mmr of the games is going up but my rank is unmoving.


Did these other players also lose 15 games in a row? Losing 15 in a row is pretty bad and your MMR would most likely plummet down an entire rank, which as you said it did.

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The tank did, He lost 13/15 games with me and still ranked up to plat 1

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You might be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.

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