Rank 1 in plat? Wtf blizz

I’d actually argue there is very little difference, as it’s so easy to smurf, intentionally derank, and boost friends in this game SR means very little these days. The entire system is broken beyond a point an automated match making system could ever reliably find equal matches.

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Gosh forums i alone know 10 players who play in high diamond, masters and 1 or 2 in gm who regularly smurf in plat/diamond. In some cases they play 50% of their matches with friends in elos way under their real skill. These matches dont feel like plat or diamond, they are way harder and faster. So i guess the opposite team has the same mmr constellation as we have… The only thing you can do is hoping that you are not pooled as filler into these matches. These are the games where you feel totally helpless and overwhelmed. It is a terrible gaming experience.