Rank 1 in plat? Wtf blizz

Samito in 2700? What happened to the fair and balanced matchmaking blizzard? Why do you punish us by letting this run rampant?


Samito played in a plat game? lul. But seriously, they should lower the team skill rating system. Bronze-Diamond should be 800 not 1k


Even 800 is too high imo.

You should only be able to play with people in the same rank as you, or if they’re in a different rank, they should only allow a 300SR difference.

And yeah it’s about time the streamers smurfing in low ranks just started getting all of their accounts banned on sight. They’re ruining the game to get donations from the 14 year olds that think it’s funny to watch.


Considering we are fours years into game life. I don’t think devs care enough to do anything. But than you have those guys want to play with lower ranked friends. I’m in the middle on this topic.


Oh, he must be making another complaint video and is getting footage.


Talking about samito is just giving him more eyes and ears on his content. As they say even bad press can be good.

wait did you play with his main account “Samito”? or did you play with an alt account of his?

I get the play with friends argument, but people can play with friends in literally every other mode.

Ranked is supposed to be fair. Letting a 2100 player and a 3100 player into the same game is not fair. Even when you average the SR out you have 2 players in a game that neither of them have any business being in.


If I recall me and my friend master were both in plat 2600. We joined a friend in silver rank and we lost like 4 out of 5 games.


This thread lacks context which I cannot provide nor have.


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Samito smurfing…
Why am I not surprised?


BuT sMuRfS dOn’T eXiSt!!!


if this thread is true… Imagine being T500 and talking about certain heroes being OP etc and want certain abilities removed, but you think it’s ok to smurf in games around 2000 SR lower, ruining tons of games for people.


As annoying as it is, doing so would result in far longer queue times.

Cough Cough Moira Cough Cough mOIrA

Don’t give that guy any free publicity. He’s a terrible person.


All I see on the forums is, “yOu CaNt prOVe ThEyRe A SMurF”… yet streamers can do it in full view and still no repercussions. Proof the Devs don’t give AF about cheating.


Queue times, it would be an issue.

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This sounds cool, from a “fair match” standpoint, but they can’t do it. Q times would skyrocket for every role and every rank.

Yup. They don’t have the player distribution to support 222, now. And that’s with them being as “loose” as they currently are. And Q times for Comp are already absurd depending on: role, rank, region, platform, time of day, etc.

If we added in tighter matchmaking on top of that? It would be a nightmare. Yeah, you’ll get a more "fair"games (smurfs and all that aside), But unless you like waiting forever for a match, I wouldn’t suggest it.

The only way we could even consider tighter matchmaking would be to use a different system. One that needs less Tanks and can account for the overflow of DPS. It still wouldn’t be perfect. Honestly, it never will be, especially when they don’t crack down on smurfing. But it would be better than now.

Honestly, in 222, everything is either bent or broken. Matchmaking needs to be loose in order to keep Q times down, getting a some backfills takes forever because there aren’t enough tank players in 222, people are having to deal with waiting 10-20 minutes (or more) for a competitive match just for it to get canceled so they can do the wait time all over again.

No matter how you want to slice it, this system does not work, when you look at it from a "is it running optimally?"standpoint. It just doesn’t have the player base distribution to support it. And trying to add tighter matchmaking onto something that’s already buckling? It’ll fall apart.

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The problem is, 1-3-2 didn’t work out . It wasn’t fun for the tanks (or supports, mostly). So that’s not a solution either.