Ok, this is going off the rails. It all boils down to the point of people literally having ZERO CLUE about how the MMR system works.
You … do know that the game doesnt have super powers or a crystal ball to know a level 25 account belongs to a T500, right OP?
Please add context and also read this guys:
The Looking for Group tool in 1.25 is an exciting new in-game feature that gives players more control over their online play experience in Overwatch. It allows players to find like-minded or similarly skilled individuals who want to work together. Groups can lead to better team play with less negativity and, ultimately, more fun. Since Overwatch is at its very core a team game, there’s really no better way to play.
We’ve seen some reluctance from the community when it comes to grouping, especia…
The rating and matchmaking system is confusing, and a good overview does not appear to be available. The official overview (1) is incomplete and does not answer a number of common player questions and concerns. This information below is gathered from sporadic blue posts and developer update videos, and salted with my own experience and experiments, various forum threads, and watching streams. Note that since Blizzard does not give exact algorithms, I do have to fill in some gaps, or leave some i…