Referencing Jeff Kaplan’s favorite map poll: Poll: What's your favorite Overwatch map?
The maps in the bottom of the list are typically ranged hitscan friendly maps (outside of 2cp). Here are some of those maps:
Numbani (1st point defense)
Route 66 (defense)
Junkertown (everything)
Now the poll was made a few years ago before Havana was released, but I can almost guarantee Havana is one of the most hated maps because of how sniper dominant it is.
Keep in mind ranged hitscan were not as broken as they are now, so these maps are more exploited than ever before.
The most liked maps have been maps like kings row and eichenwald which provide a lot of options for both teams, and/or offer lots of cover.
Simply put, I wanted to highlight that Sniper friendly maps are not the way to Go. They need to be reworked to be more difficult for ranged hitscan to get value and should be avoided in the future.
Funny how genji and are meant to counter hitscans and they can’t even do that.
genji is a soft counter don’t lie he was not designed to be good against hitscans
dva is true but too many get out of jail free cards with bap and brig
The only hero he soft counters right now is zen. Hitscans farm him.
They got a new map designer that made the latest FFA map and looks amazingly balanced
The problem I think bliz has is that all maps were done more by looks rather than balance
Or story perhaps
Both Rialto and Havana were done for story, if you think about it they’re both amazing to play on PvE, heck Rialto has boxes to take cover from snipers on the bridge, but PvP wise they’re bad, there’s no cover, so hopefully they can be fixed with cover… The only thing they really need is cover
he doesn’t counter zen going on a flank to maybe get a pick against bap having IF is worse value then just poking tanks farming blade
tracer is better if you want to counter zen, echo is also good
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Because anything that counters hitscan needs either be removed or nerfed to death.