Randomly Chosen Hero

I’m Trying to make a Game where there is one person who is randomly chosen as Reaper “Vampire” and I was wondering how to make it a random person from the List of Players in the game?

There is a “randomized value in array” command in the workshop, there is also an “all players” one, with both combined it should help you out

rule("make a player reaper")
	event {
		Ongoing - Global;
	conditions {
		Number of Living Players(All Teams) > 0;
		Count Of(Players On Hero(Hero(Reaper), All Teams)) == 0;
	actions {
		Start Forcing Player To Be Hero(
		    Random Value In Array(All Living Players(All Teams)),
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Add the condition number of living players(all teams) > 0 to prevent this rule from being executed instantly.


thanks, i edited my post.

i also happened to be in the workshop already so I just created it there and copy+pasted it. So now you can copy+paste the rule text and put directly into OVerwatch