Random spinning and aim movements from heroes

Recently I will be playing Overwatch and my character will randomly do a 180 and even move a couple feet while my they are at it. They will also have their aim shot upward. Its gotten to the point where I cannot even play. I have absolutely no idea what is going on or why its doing this. It seems to be getting worse and worse, even when I try to scan and repair the game. Can someone please help? or give details on how to fix this problem?

I have this same problem. I thought maybe it was the brand and version of mouse. What mouse do you have?

I also have this issue but, on Lucio. I use a Logitec G 502 SE Hero to play. I doubt that the mouse is the issue since there are older reports of this happening. I play a movement hero it really sucks when it does happen. This glitch has made me fall off of walls in front of the enemy and die. It has even made me lose a game as well. I was the last of my team on point with one enemy Sym that was 1hp in late overtime. I wallride a land 2 shots before I drop off and flail about like an idiot while looking straight up at the sky. Sym just beams me down and looks at me like wtf was that. End of game. I figured someone would want to read this! It is kind of funny but also sucks to have happen to you.

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Doubt your problem is the same as OP’s from 2018 but appreciate you necroing this thread regardless—this problem began with the Summer games patch for me and it’s driving me insane because it doesn’t happen in any other game, my mouse (Razer Deathadder V2) deactivates randomly during a match every match and for a second I am unable to aim or move my mouse in any direction. Don’t play Lucio but this happens to me in-game regardless of role.

were you using the comms wheel/spraywheel/emotewheel ? do you play in borderless windowed mode and have extra monitors?

it could be this bug

No, no, and no. I did a fresh install of Synapse, tested every option, and physically unplugged the HDMI cable that goes out to my tv in case it was a dual monitor bug. It just randomly happens, at least once per match, and only in Overwatch—wife regularly plays another game on the same pc with the same mouse and hasn’t experienced anything like this.