Random Overwatch Crashes not just me but also the teammates

Hey there,

So I wanted to chime back in on this for a couple of reasons.

1st. the Rating and SR system is a closed system. This is intentional to prevent tampering. This means that regardless of reason, if you lose SR, it will not be recovered. That is universal so if you are experiencing frequent or constant issues resulting in disconnection/crashing out of matches, then it is recommended you stop playing competitive until the issue is addressed.

2nd. I personally encountered this issue last night myself in a QP match.

Game client just closed with no warning, no indication that there was an issue. I was just pushing through a choke with Orisa and suddenly I was looking at my desktop. This was the first match I played for the night within a couple minutes of joining. (It was a backfill too). But I was solo queued so could not say if it happened to others.

It only happened to me once and after I restarted I was fine for the rest of the night. (I am dealing with some Overheating issues so it is possible that contributed in my case, but other than that, it matches what I have seen described here.)


Whatever the issue is, it does not appear to be widespread. There are enough reports to suggest a potential issue but keep in mind even with the dozen or so reports here in the last 5 days there are millions of players. Even if only one in 20 reported the issue here that still isn’t very many cases compared to the number of players actively playing the game globally.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue but it does suggest there is either some rare commonality between folks experiencing it or there is a rare intermittent issue affecting the occasional match.

My recommendations here. (Which I have done on my end already after it happened last night to me) is to reinstall your video drivers, disable any other software that is running in the background. (This includes stuff like amd overlays, geforce experience, logitech, razer, msi, asus, alienware, hp software and the like) make sure you do have all available windows updates, and do a 60 second shutdown and restart of your local network, including modem. Retest. Probably avoid ranked for the moment.

I have not yet had the issue happen since but I only played for a couple of hours after it happened. If you continue to see the issue happening it may be worth submitting a bug report in the bug report forums.

I also recommend posting dxdiags here as per this post.

We can continue looking into this to see if there is something similar between us that might be causing this.

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