Rammatra ult needs to be nerfed

Rammatra shouldn’t have unlimited ult while enemies are in range. Every game I’ve seen has been a steamroll. Either reduce the damage and make it last longer with no inifinite continuation, or only give him about 4-5 seconds of holding W to win. I could also see making his nemesis form attack “projectile” smaller and harder to land making it a higher skill achievement taking on a whole enemy team.


It does the equivalent of 1 melee per second


So if i’m reading the stats correct, rammatra does 160 dps to a single target when ulting?

Less than that.

Pummel is about 90 to 100 damage per second. Ultimate is 30 damage per second.

So the total damage per second on a single target would be 120 to 130, which is a bit high for an ultimate at melee range. Not even Genji’s Dragonblade ultimate gets this much damage per second.

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But Genji does get dash and is a somersaulting toothpick.

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As someone with about 10 hours of competitive Ramattra I personally think it’s one of the weaker tank ults in the game. At low level it might seem strong, but it’s one of the few ults that can get near 0 value after you hit the enemy with it.

The biggest threats imo are Ana Sleep Dart which makes it easy for everyone to walk away or well people just shooting Ramattra. I’ve turned my ult on a couple times and just instantly died to Sojourn plus Cassidy headshotting me back to back. If I block, they just walk away. Bam near no value for the ult.

Characters like Zarya and Mei can literally just sit inside my ult with barriers or ice block and wait it out. Really you only need to block line of sight so Mei’s ice wall is also super good. Though hands down Symmetra’s ult or Roadhog’s ult are probably the best at basically turning Ram’s ult off. Roadhog is already a very popular pick in the meta so it’s really rough for Ram.

I think with time people will learn the counterplay that exists. And once people do, they should help Ramattra out a bit more. Cus outside of his ult that a lot of low level players struggle with, he’s a rather fun but okayish tank. He loses very hard to Road, Orisa, and Sigma. I think his best MU is probably against Winston, but he doesn’t win the MU quite as hard as he loses the others.


And Ramattra has boosted movespeed (like Genji in Dragonblade), and a slow with Ravenous Vortex.

This would be the best assumption. But I still see a lot of players fumbling around when it comes to ultimate defense against a lot of stuff that’s been in the game for years. Rip-tire is still never shot at by the lower-ranks.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Rammatra’s ult. Please stop crying kids.


We were talking about the damage mostly I thought. Dash gives a damage burst that lets him jump to more enemies.

His ult is about the only thing he got goin. Everything else is just kinda meh.

I think a lot of people don’t understand just how much value Rammatra’s ult gives. The aura is only the passive element of the ultimate, Ramattra still retains full autonomy over his character, while also giving him limitless access to his Nemesis form.

Even if you all manage to get out of it, it forced your entire team to just abilities to retreat and stay out of a huge area for an extended period of time. By the time you’ve done so, it has almost always done hundreds of damage.

It’s kind of like when Rally was broken; it’s not good because it kills five people, it’s good because it’s one of the most consistent ways to give your team the edge needed to win the team fight.


Genji can also dash 14 metres after every kill in any direction

Also Rein & Orisa can literally one shot people on melee range

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My problems with it are:
The movement speed buff was unneeded and made it impossible to escape from for most of the cast
Using it at the final push for the payload, the final defense for the payload/during overtime, etc is basically an “I win” because nobody can get on the point.


His ult can literally be cancelled by a singular Mei wall.


There are so many counters it’s actually laughable


Need a Lucio with hakuna matata

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its only stupid during OT like what doggo said, you have to get on the point and give him what he wants or lose the game

Idk what they have been even thinking when designing that one.

I guess he had just nothing else special to offer to wow you like echo copying another hero etc.

I don’t mind the ult except for the ridiculous slowdown if caught in even just the edge of it. Even if you tell your team to “run” and everyone’s on board with the strategy, you just get skulked down. I think if they nerf the movement penalty, it wouldn’t be so bad. Just like any other ult or “boss fight” where you need to learn the mechanic to avoid, but right now it feels super difficult to leave the ring of pain.

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Is the game Rammatra versus 5 enemies? Or Rammatra + 4 of his teammates against 5 enemies?

You all act like as soon as he ults, his other 4 teammates don’t do anything if you’re only factoring his damage alone.