Ramattra's Pummel Damaging Shields

Is it a bit much that a move that damages enemies through shields also damages the shields? i have been trying a lot of Rein against Ramattra to learn the matchup and it sort of seems impossible.

Void Accelerator can do up to 112.5 damage per second to shields. Combine that with other people on the enemy team team, that is a decent amount of shield damage

You then get close to the enemy team, Ramattra goes into Nemesis Form to start pummeling. He does 100 damage per second to the shield AND the enemies behind the shield, which means he is effectively doing 200 damage per second to a Rein.

Ramattra alone has a max output of 2050 damage done to Rein in 12 seconds, or 170.83 damage per second. And Rein can’t do much about it

Am I the only one who thinks that is absurd? Why does a move that damages shields also go through shields? Obviously I could just switch off Rein, but switching to Sigma or D.Va to try and counter is pointless because Pummel cannot be absorbed, so you are still going to get hit no matter what.

All attacks that pierce shields also hit the shields


You know that Rein’s fire strike and Moira’s Coalescence also go through enemies and shields too right? And those abilities also damage shields.

This is nothing new. It’s how piercing abilities work. Even Sym’s old Orbs did the same thing


Technically he is doing 100 to rein and 100 to his barrier… not 200 to Rein. There is a difference.

Sojourn ult does goes through barriers too doesn’t it?


Yeah Sojourn ult does go through barriers oop


Hitting Rein and his shield doesn’t mean he’s doing double damage to Rein first off, second Sojourn’s ult does not go through barriers. I don’t know where y’all got that one from.

Sojourn’s ult does not pierce through shields. Moira’s ult goes through shields but does not damage them. The only other move that damages shields and goes through them is Fire Strike, which can do decent damage to both, but it has a longer travel time, a longer startup time, and is a vastly less effective version of Pummel

100 to shield and 100 to person is obviously different, but what I am arguing is effective damage. What does Rein do in these situations other then hide every 8 seconds and for 8 seconds? He cannot swing because that opens him to more damage from other sources, so he just has to take the 100 to himself every second while everyone behind him also takes that damage, and his shield takes 100 damage plus all other sources of damage

Did it used to? I could have sworn I saw videos of it going through at one point(like during the beta phases maybe). :thinking:

It does tho. Source: am a Moira player

It damages the body behind the shield, but does not damage the shield. Per the wiki:

Coalescence * Passes through enemy barriers.
Pummel * Punches pierce enemies and barriers.

  • Also damages the barriers.
    Firestrike * Pierces barriers, enemies, and other damageable entities.

If Moira’s ult damaged the shield, wouldn’t you think it would specify this? Seems like the other entries specify it

Bruh I… it’s not that deep. All abilities that go through barriers also damage them.

If you have someone to test it with you, literally just place down a Sigma barrier or Winston bubble, and have Moira Coal it. She’ll damage it

The only exception is Hanzo’s Ultimate, cuz that doesn’t damage non-player entities

Do you wan to add me so that I can show you it literally does not damage shields? Or do you want to find that out for yourselves. I have tested it and it does not damage shields. You have derailed the conversation I tried to have about his ability, but now all I want to do is prove you wrong lol

Honestly it’s nbd. I’m more concerned that Bap’s ultimate buffs his fist shockwaves when in every other instance in the game his fists do not count as projectiles. Not the first time Blizz makes weird exceptions to abilities. Like Genji can deflect Sojurn’s rail but Dva can’t eat it. Idr if Sigma’s succ eats it. But I’d assume it doesn’t if Dva’s doesn’t.

Does it really? I haven’t noticed this, but I could very well be playing against bad sojourns.

not to sound annoying or put you down. kill him. or his team. or use cover and force him to come close.

From what I’ve seen, Ramatra getting in Reinhardt’s face is feeding unless his ult is up. Rein swings and charge should finish the Ramatra quickly. If the Ramatra is getting healing and Rein isn’t, Rein needs to evac.

Sure, but the issue is closing the distance. By the time you get to Ramattra, there is a decent chance they are at full health. Between their own healers and their barrier, you are starting off the close fight at a disadvantage. There is a good chance your shield is down, so all you can do is swing, but Ramattra out damages you. Rein does 85 damage per second, Ramattra does 100. So my question is can you do anything as Rein when you get to the mid range? Charging is risky and leaves you exposed, but if you just hold shield you are taking 100 damage regardless

I am very certain this is how the Rein hammer and fire strike works.
I’m pretty sure anything that does damage through shields damages the shields.

Literally no lol. The only move that damages shields and the character is Rein Fire strike (maybe hammer?) and Pummel. As Slimeonian asked, I went and tested and this is not true for the majority of stuff that goes through shields

I get effin obliterated as Brig by every Rammatra in sight