As a resident brig main, I have to be the one to say, why is mercy getting an orange themed rainy skin with the exact same hair color as brig? I SAW THE PHOTO OF THE SKINS AND THOUGHT IT WAS BRIG. All blizzard wants is money, they can’t skip giving mercy a skin in any bundle. All i ask for is cute brig skins and all they want to do is give kiri, mercy, and juno all the skins because they know they’ll rake in the most money with those characters. I know other characters are missing out on skins as well, but SERIOUSLY??? Orange, orange, orange… mercy skin… looks exactly like a skin brig would have… except it’s for mercy. I play mercy too but god do they ever get tired of ONLY catering to mercy players every patch. At least we’re getting doki doki skins, which of course had to also include mercy somehow (the mythic weapon coming out). I may exaggerate a bit about how much they cater to mercy mains, but if you compare the sheer amount of skins she gets to others, i’m sure she has at least double if not triple the amount.
Mercy/Kirko is their cash cow. That’s all there is to it. There’s a reason Venture doesn’t have any skins.
Revoke Mercy’s rainy day skin and give it to brig sick of their shenanigans. Brig don’t even got a summer/beach skin and I can guarantee they’re gonna come out with ANOTHER summer skin for mercy instead of literally any other character when the time comes.
It’s all about marketing. Blizzard knows which Skins will sell the most. Thats normal. If you would run a Game, i’m sure you would give Hero XY more Skins because they sell like crazy.
I understand - its getting annoying for a lot of people, I totally understand. But thats how it works.
They are getting a toxic skin this season…
Orisa and Mei are also getting them so not all about popularity. But the Orisa one is just a recolor, so is the Tracer one too.
Its definitely unfair for the Brigitte Mains how much attention Overwatch’s favorite angel gets…Brig should have definitely got a Rainy Day skin!
Cat themed battle pass= no cat brig skin (she’s the only canonical cat owner)
Norse mythology battle pass=no norse brig skin (she is scandanavian)
Same with Ramattra; even in themes that fit their character they will get overlooked for the favorites.
I dare you to go look at Tracer’s skins.
I want an audio recording of your reaction please.
The Mei skin is godlike so I can’t complain, but my buddy and I were just talking about how Brig should’ve gotten one too. Thankfully when they do collections like this, they keep adding to them in future seasons, so there’s still a chance Brig will get one eventually.
Not sure if you noticed, but Venture is getting a battle pass skin.
Yeah, but in comparison they still make more skins for kiriko and mercy because they sell insanely good. I guess other chars who get a good amount of skins are sometimes just there because they’re a lot of fun to work with. Orisa is a good example there…she’s not that popular but you can make so much things with her…same as Kiriko…she fits to everything but heres the main factor, that she’s the most popular and blizz knows that.