Raindance - SIM spike issue

Ever found a solution? In the same boat at the moment. Tried everything!

i7 3770k 3.5ghz
DDR3 16gb 1600mhz
GTX 1660

Suspected it being a cpu/gpu bottleneck but both GPU and CPU are barely utilized when running OW so I highly doubt it. I was able to run the game just fine on my i3350p with a gtx 760 without any sim spikes!

Hey there Raindance,

SIM is basically just an estimated time it takes for the device to process each tick of the game. If your utilization is low and you are getting SIM spikes, this likely suggests a software conflict of some kind.

I’d start by disabling background applications on startup and doing a clean boot of the PC. Keep in mind that not all programs can be disabled normally and may need to be temporarily uninstalled.

If it’s still not working after that, please take a screenshot or picture of a this hardware monitor test. It may take multiple screenshots to capture the entire test results. Do not minimize any of the nodes as they do all contain vital information for us.

Please start the tool before running the game, then continue running the game until the problem happens. Once it does take the screenshots before closing the game.