😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

Good, she got reworked and now requires aim and can’t just pull a “Brigitte” and cheese her way through contesting a point.

Also, that’s the same argument Brigitte mains use, yet they get beaten into oblivion with “low skill hero” insults. Same was true for Symmetra.

NVM, You’re Tracer/Genji. /end argument.

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mercy got reworked, something mercy mains didn’t want, then mercy was still considered op and people are STILL HATING ON MERCY MAINS, if i was a sym main thats what i would be afraid of.

I am speechless on why you chose a different time span to respond to my comment. However I don’t think Symmetra will get as much hatred now that her kit the utilities side does help out with team synergy.

In QuickPlay. S2/3 was Roadhog. Most recently, D.Va and Ana.

I’d check what your “main” is, but to my infinite surprise, private profile. Lol.

Orbs are harder to dodge because they move a lot faster, you can spam them more, you can throw your turrets as far as you want and use teleport to close the gap, how is that not better at range?
Brigitte has to drop her shield to swipe at your turrets, leaving her vulnerable also her melee range is shorter than the range of the turrets, meaning that unless she wants to burn her whip shot then she has to at least take some damage before being able to hit them. Almost every other hero in the game revolves entirely around outplaying her and capitalizing on mistakes/abilities being on cooldown/reloads as well so I don’t see your point there.
While on the subject of Sym vs Brigitte, how was Symmetra 2.0 any better at fighting her other than if Brigitte was stupid enough to walk into the extremely slow orbs? 2.0’s weapon did less damage, her barrier only blocked whip shot and her turrets had around the same net damage.

Not if she is already hitting you in the face.

Melee works by creating a damage hitbox in front of the character, and if you throw a turret while that hitbox is active, it breaks your turret flying without even trying.

It was easier to lure her into your nest, since you could shoot stuff she can’t block, and she need to close distance. If you keep using orbs, she is still not hard to deal with, but if you want to use her as a beam battery, she have the upper hand if she don’t chicken out and hide behind the shield until you break it.

Also, you underestimate how much people forget to dodge those orbs. It’s like they are so slow that they think they can dodge it anytime, and their brains forget about the threat of the orb, unless they are fighting you 1v1.

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Im not sure what rank your playing in,but if a genji is reflecting your beam he cant be good. I have not seen anyone do this to me yet. They either stay out of my range, or i get them up my face. If i meet a brigitte she will stun me and kill me with ease, cus i need to be in the stun range to deal dmg to her. I dont feel like i need to learn new ways to play her at all, i just feel everything is worste.

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Her orbs being faster does not mean anything if you are looking at Sym. Next time you see a Sym at range firing at you, stand still. She shoots. You move. Boom. Dodged. Ez. That’s exactly how I win Sym ranged duels, because they don’t stand still and wait for my orb, they walk into it while they see it coming like an idiot. My point still stands. Most of my kills from the orbs are either backed up by turrets or sniping people that are running away and can’t react to the orb because they aren’t looking.

Her turrets being thrown also isn’t as great as people think it is considering they’re shot down rather easily, I do it as Sym all the time. And even if I don’t, one Torb or Sym on the enemy team almost ensures not one of your turrets will make it past the enemy team.

For Brig, more turrets meant she had to keep her shield up for longer when walking into a next making her more susceptible to getting hit with a piercing orb. If Brig ate just one orb with her shield up and then tried to come for Sym, she was dead. Her orbs weren’t bad because they were slow. In my almost 800 hours across Sym, I got extremely good at hitting those orbs particularly in cqc because I knew it was imperitive to hit at least one to have any real chance of winning a 1v1 against virtually any other hero.

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Muscle memory is a salty mistress.

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Almost that entire post was pure mythos not reality Raaskyl.

  • Max charge orb on squishy hero 120 dmg. Max charge orb on armored hero 115 dmg. Tier 3 beam on squishy hero needs to hit 7 out of 10 times each second to get 120 dmg. Tier 3 beam on armored hero needs to hit 9 out of 10 times each second to get 115 dmg. - No one has that kind of accuracy in real world match play where people don’t just stand and take it.
  • 180 damage only happens with 100% accuracy and only on squishy heroes. On armored heroes the damage drops to 130 damage with 100% accuracy. So stop thinking “180 damage per second is huge.” Because you are NOT getting that kind of damage.
  • No one except aimbots has 100% accuracy in real world situations where people move around. The only exception is versus a turret bastion, but even then your damage is dropped not only by armor but also his passive skill Fortitude which drops damage even more.
  • As for more consistent - with this type of a weapon and range, if your accuracy is remotely normal you are looking at 60%~70% accuracy at best as a pro aimer on average with only occasional good games with higher accuracy. This means that your dps with tier 3 beam is less than a max charge orb on a squishy player, and far less on an armored one.
  • Beyond all that, consistent damage is not what you want. Burst damage is far more likely to actually achieve kills than sustained damage. Sustained slow but steady damage is easily healed by enemy team, burst damage out of nowhere makes a healer’s job very hard.
  • As for being helpful versus a Brigitte… what the hell are you even doing being in her fighting range? As Sym 3.0 with her fail m1 and strong m2 you should be far back sniping her and her team with spam orbs. If you are close enough to beam her, then she is close enough to shield bash you and proc flail damage on you. That is NOT a good thing.

You couldn’t be more wrong. I mean, hurray that you stuck with auto aim sym for that long, but she is in the best place now. People aren’t playing her because people weren’t in a rush to play her before. It doesn’t mean she’s bad people just don’t understand the playstyle or in general just don’t like the character. I have liked Sym since the beginning. Her personality and her design was so fun and cool but I stayed away from her in practice because it was always bittersweet. If you win you get called a “Left click POTG bot” and if the team loses it’s your fault because “Sym is too easy to counter”. She is in a much more independent and balanced place

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Nice analysis, saving your post if you don’t mind, might come in handy. Primary is just abysmal.

Your right but I think they’re doing it more out of habit, take damage hit deflect, rather than actually thinking they can deflect it.

And yet this “rework” nerfed her so she is countered by those she is supposed to counter.

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I understand your point but personally I prefer the consistency of LMB in close quarters especially if it’s a Genji/Tracer that’s bouncing all over the place. If you miss with your orb you are doing zero damage plus you’ve wasted any time you’ve spent charging it. You don’t need godlike tracking skills to charge your beam, it’s even easier if there’s a shield or tank around. If you can’t maintain close to 100% accuracy on a nearby tank or shield there’s something wrong.
Beam also has the advantage of not being able to be deflected or blocked by defense matrix.
Fair enough to use orbs from range but if sitting back spamming them is all you’re doing you may as well pick Hanzo as his damage is higher, projectiles are practically invisible and he can headshot.
If you think her primary fire is useless then you can’t be using it right. It has more damage and more range than before the rework. I can imagine it’s a lot harder on console but then that’s the same for most heroes.

Even if this were the case she’s now stronger in other situations. Hence “rework” not buff.

I still fail to see any nerfs… everything she has is boosted, she’s just not easy mode anymore. I have 0 problems using her

Using her is simple, doing anything useful with her is impossible. Brigitte makes her impossible to play correctly because you can’t burn down a shield if you’re being stunned to death. Brigitte can get off two stuns in the time it takes you to get to level 3.

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For the most part I agreed with your post. With the sole exception the part I am quoting. The new 3.0 beam is LESS damaging than the 2.0 beam due to poor stat reworking, the longer time to ramp up, and the change of damage to being split into 10 even segments.

Even if you just compare max tier beams the 2.0 version was superior.

I am not saying that because I dislike having to aim, but rather due to the fact that they failed to give high enough compensation damage to make up for the loss of auto lock even with great aim. It is unquestionably lower contrary to what you just said.

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